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机器运转良好。The machine works well.

你们的思维开始运转了吗The cogs are spinning now?

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机器运转平稳。The machine runs smoothly.

月球围绕着地球运转。The moon circles the earth.

这使它们的模型运转。This made their model work.

不要在运动场运转!Don't run in the playground!

它使这个世界运转。It makes the world go ’round.

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这是我显卡风扇的运转情况。My graphics card fan is bust.

这才能使他的发动机运转。That is what revs his engine.

自动装置运转很灵活。The automatic works very well.

地球昼夜不停地运转。The earth moves day and night.

感受你生命力正在运转。Feel your life-force in motion!

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雨刷马达在低速运转吗?How is your new motor behaving?

你最好加快马达的运转。You'd better jazz up the motor.

爱使这个世界运转。Love makes this world go around.

机器开始运转了。The machine came into operation.

振动器增加物料运转率。Vibrators enhance material flow.

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离心机依旧无畏地运转。The centrifuges spin defiantly on.

月球围绕着地球运转。The moon revolves around the earth.

行星绕着太阳运转。The planets revolve around the sun.