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一个是不辞辛劳的实用主义者,另一个是机智善变的自由主义者。One is a hard-working pragmatist, the other a mercurial idealist.

谢谢你不辞辛劳的帮助我学习英语。Thank you for the great trouble you have taken to help me with my English.

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你们不辞辛劳的付出才使得本次合作取得巨大成功。You spare no pains of pay to make this cooperation obtain tremendous success.

我十分感激那些为聚会取得圆满成功而不辞辛劳的人们。I am indebted to all the people who worked so gape to make the party a great success.

为人温厚,看来是那麽容易,我对人们之不辞辛劳地采取其他态度而感到奇怪。It seems so easy to be good- nature, I wonder anybody took the trouble to be anything else.

为人温厚,看来是那么容易,我对人们之不辞辛劳地采取其他态度而感到奇怪。It seems so easy to be good- natured, I wonder anybody takes the trouble to be anything else.

我总是想着她为什么不辞辛劳地来这里的原因,然后去附近的7-11见她。I carried her excuse of why she came all the way here and went to meet her at the nearby 7-11.

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我们非常高兴您能成行啊,非常感激您不辞辛劳,再百忙中抽空来我海通指导。We're very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice.

请记住你们的守护天使也在不辞辛劳的工作着,帮助你扩张意识水平。Remember also that your Guides are working tirelessly to help you expand your levels of consciousness.

没有一个交警阻拦我们,而且许多过去的司机不辞辛劳地对我们按喇叭,招手。Not a single state trooper stopped us, but many passing motorists took great pains to honk and wave at us.

可能是因为我们都需要成为有爱心的父母,能够不辞辛劳的关爱我们需要照顾的小宝宝,所以我们一开始就向着浪漫的关系。We are wired for romance in part because we are supposed to be loving parents who care diligently for our helpless babies.

而且,Goolge不辞辛劳,做出了加倍的努力,以确保选择退出Google的用户能在他们的新家园完全尊享私密。And Google has gone the extra mile to ensure that users who choose to opt out are given complete privacy in their new home.

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看上去这个男孩子会常常不辞辛劳的跑过去见他的女朋友,但是他每次见了女朋友之后做什么呢?It looks the boy always put himself out of the way to meet his girlfriend, but what does he do after he meet his girlfriend?

而他则不断劝酒劝菜,昨天星期天还不辞辛劳地带我赶赴一个又一个的约会,乘着小黄东颠西跑了整整一天。He spent an entire day – a Sunday – guiding me from appointment from appointment, despite the discomforts of riding in Miss Daisy.

两人都已经年老力衰,穷困潦倒,还坚持在风暴中不辞辛劳地乞讨,一个是为了筹办受害者的葬礼,另一个是为犯罪嫌疑人筹措保释金。Both weak and poor, they laboriously solicit money in the midst of a storm, one for the victim's burial, the other for the suspect's bail bond.

当我看到你小小年纪,却已懂得不辞辛劳的努力追求梦想,并让自己的梦想一个个成真时,我为你感到无比的自豪。I am proud when i see you making you dreams come true one by one without showing that you are tired at the age that you still have the innocence.

如同你们大多了解的,在一个新城市定居是很困难的事,即使对银行行员也是,然而你们很多人也花了时间、不辞辛劳来帮我。As most of you may realize, settling down in a new city is very difficult, even for bankers, and many of you have taken the time and trouble to help me.

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只要想到这些年来她无数次为了演讲会的活动,不辞辛劳的搭乘高铁来回奔波在屏东与台北之间,就令我们感佩不已!Just thinking the numerous times she took THSR to and fro between Ping Tung and Taipei for our Toastmasters activities, we could realize how dedicated she is!

首先,我们要感谢不辞辛劳前来参加追悼会的亲属和朋友们,并对不能前来的亲属和朋友们说,我们与你们心心相连。Let us begin by thanking the families and friends who have traveled far to be with us. To those who could not be here, please know that our hearts are with you.

这些调查研究人员不辞辛劳地在山高林密、人烟稀少的少数民族地区走访和开展实地调查。These people spared no effort paying visits and launching on-the-spot investigation in high mountains and dense forests, sparsely populated minority nationality areas.