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生命太短暂,我们没有时间去反复地斟酌比对。Life is too short for anyting else.

然后它再斟酌一下And then it sort of works backwards.

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在葡萄牙酒馆把白朗姆酒斟酌。Drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar.

这件事情斟酌斟酌再定。Think over the matter and then make a decision.

中国斟酌减少适用死刑罪行。China mulls less crimes punishable by execution.

我们对形势的各种可能性加以比较与斟酌。We balanced all the probabilities of the situation.

而且他们还会尊重我对于斟酌处理权的要求。And they will honor my request for discretion as well.

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应该仔细斟酌,具体情况具体分析。Should be carefully considered, case-by-case analysis.

仍然负债的戈贝尔先生斟酌着他的事业选择。Still in debt, Mr. Gerber considered his career options.

少数人会羞答答的说他们正在斟酌他们的选择。A few sheepishly say they are just exploring their options.

体贴的人不应当对干旱斟酌不周。Thoughtful men care not to be antisocial about the aridity.

他说地很慢,每个字都仔细斟酌。His sentences unspool slowly, the words carefully considered.

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三天来参议院一直在仔细斟酌这个问题。The Senate has been deliberating the question for three days.

镜头的易度果艳也会斟酌在内。They also take into consideration the difficulty of the shot.

斟酌用内存“退休”法来完成哈希表的按桶加锁。Consider memory retiring to implement per-chain hash-table locks.

他们具有前瞻性,并且会仔细斟酌所得的成果。They are proactive and consider seriously the results they achieve.

我特地生气能进上田先生的斟酌室,希望4月份入学。I hoped extremely can enter the field of the teacher, hope in April.

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对要购买的资产的选择需要仔细的斟酌。The choice of assets to be purchased requires careful consideration.

在做出决定之前,主任仔细斟酌了很久。The director deliberated for a long time before giving his decision.

然而,在草率地寻找国外避风港之前,投资者们应斟酌再三。But investors should dig deeper before simply seeking shelter abroad.