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高等院校是科学研究的一个重要方面军。High school is one of important force of science research.

胜利,是多个方面军协同配合的结果。The victories in the two battles were the result of cooperation among various front armies.

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高等教育是人才培养的主力军,是服务社会的方面军,是科技创新的生力军。College education is the main power to foster talents, to serve society and to create technology.

高等院校是国家科学研究的一个重要方面军。Institutes of higher learning play an important role in developing the nation's scientific research.

因此,研究任弼时在红二方面军建军过程中的贡献具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。So, to study Ren Bishi's contributions to The Second Front Army building has certain theoretic value and realistic meaning.

他率领的日本西部方面军负责保卫日本西南和该方向的约2500个岛屿。Gen. Shunzo Kizaki, commander of the Western Army, which covers the southwest and the some 2, 500 outlying islands in that region.

红军主力三个方面军已经统一指挥,此事为前此所未有。The three front armies which form the main forces of the Red Army have been brought under a unified command, which is unprecedented.

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任弼时是红二方面军的缔造者,他屡次在关系到红二方面军前途命运的重要关头发挥关键作用。Ren Bishi was the founder of The Second Front Army for that he played a key role at crucial time in the future of The Second Front Army.

日军在华中方面军司令官松井石根指挥下,在南京地区烧杀淫掠无所不为。Japanese commander of the Central China Area Army under the command of Matsui, Iwane of the Nanjing region burning prostitution ransacking heart.

1月31日深夜顿河方面军司令部参谋处长亚基莫维奇上校奉命对保卢斯元帅进行第一次审问。Later at night on January 31st commandant of the Don Front Staff colonel Yakimovich received an order to deliver field marshal Paulus for the first interrogation.

该报告已经全文送呈最高统帅部代表炮兵司令员沃罗诺夫及方面军军事委员捷列金少将批阅。All above-mentioned was reported to the representative of the Stavka, Marshal of Artillery Voronov, and to the member of the Military Council, General-Major Telegin.

在民主主义革命时期的学生运动是反帝反封建的一个重要方面军,在中国革命中常常起着先锋和桥梁作用。In the period of Democratic Revolution, students' movement was an important part of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism movements and often acted as the pioneers and bridge.

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日本西部方面军司令—木崎俊三中将表示,除了加强双方军事合作,山樱军演有助于提高日本防御作战的灵活性。AdvertisementIn addition to improved military relations, the Yama Sakura exercise is contributing “to the implementation of Japan’s new dynamic defense capability, ” said Lt.

同时对起义部队进行了整编,仍沿用国民革命军第二方面军番号,以贺龙兼代总指挥。The same time, the uprising was reorganized forces, are still using the National Revolutionary Army 2nd Front Army designation, to Long and on behalf of the commander in chief.

中国工农红军第二方面军是以红二军团和红六军团为主体组成的红军三大主力之一。The Second Front Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was one of three main forces of the Red Army, and its subjects are The Second Army Group and The Sixth Army Group.

大学已成为我国知识创新的一支重要力量,也是技术创新和发展高新技术产业的一支重要方面军。In China Universities and Colleges have become key force in innovation in knowledge, as well as an important group in technology innovation and the development of high and new technology industries.