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疯子,稳住!Madman, hold!

那是疯子对话。That’s crazy talk.

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那个男人是个疯子!The man's a maniac!

她的确象个疯子,露薏莎。She did indeed, Louisa.

你开起车来象个疯子。You drive like a maniac.

我望了望那些个疯子。I looked at the lunatics.

所有的歌手都是半个疯子。All singers were half-mad.

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疯疯颠颠是疯子。Crazy folks are always mad.

我正在守护着这些疯子们。I'm just watching the mads.

“你是个疯子。”埃维说。“ You're nuts ,” Evey said.

疯疯颠颠是疯子。Crazy folks are usually mad.

老天爷啊,看一下这疯子!OMFG, Look at this insanity!

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这个疯子毁损了艺术品。The madman mutilates art work.

狠毒的疯子,谁不怕?Cruel bedlamite, who no afraid?

丹中尉说我是个疯子。Lieutenant Dan said I was nuts.

此地的人开车像疯子。The people here drive like maniacs.

我现在相信沃尔夫希姆是个疯子。I now believe Wolfsheim is a madman.

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我们只是希望她不要是个疯子。Let's just hope she's not a lunatic.

对这群疯子一次足够了。Once is enough for this crazy stuff.

人家都说,我是个疯子,混账。People say that I am a crazy bastard.