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不但如此,我还时常和她讲话。I also talk to her.

时常是这样的。Time to time, yeah.

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他读书时常跳读。He skips as he reads.

他时常讨好她。He often fawns on her.

他睡觉时常说梦话。He talks in his sleep.

他时常在外面过夜。He spends the night out.

我时常一小我私家生闷气。I often be in the sulks.

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不然,我将时常萦绕你身旁。Do this or I will haunt you.

我时常对我的祖先们很好奇。I often wondered my ancestry.

这在冬天是时常发生的。It was frequent in the winter.

我时常久久独坐。I often sat, for hours together.

我哥哥时常赐顾帮衬我。My brother often takes care of me.

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时常回顾你的决心。Review your resolution constantly.

一个好拚斗的女孩子时常赢争吵。A feisty girl always wins arguments.

他时常剽窃别人的见解。He often appropriates other's ideas.

不过我时常去一个很好的休闲地方。But I often go to a place of leisure.

日本时常遭受地震之苦。Japan often suffers from earthquakes.

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母亲看电视时常织东西。Mother often knits while watching TV.

你若是劝勉人的,就当时常劝勉人。If you are an encourager, do it often.

他时常打听我的私事。He often pries into my private affairs.