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读书周期间禁止在堂上讲话。Don't the Reading Week.

老师跟我们讲课堂上不要讲话。The teacher told us not to speak in class.

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我的第一堂电脑课是在音乐堂上的!I got my first computer lesson in a music lesson!

坐在辉煌的结彩的堂上。Sitting in a resplendent hall bedecked with silk.

还有朝堂上姓吕的通通不要。Still have dynasty on Xing Lyu of hall of always don't.

本文是一项有关外语课堂上情感焦虑的研究。This thesis is a project on foreign language classroom anxiety.

昨天老师建议学生们在堂上说英语。Yesterday the teacher advised the students to speak English in class.

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这是为了方便在堂上讨论阅读资料。This is for the purpose of facilitating discussion of the readings in class.

在县衙任职的史大奈忽然出现在堂上,力保秦琼。In the history XianYa for big nye suddenly appeared in class, QinQiong benchmark.

堂上了前面的座位,对于他的年龄和大块头来说,迅速协调地移动着。The Don got into the front seat, moving with quick coordination for his age and bulk.

外语课堂上如何处理母语是外语教学中一个举足轻重的问题。How to handle the use and switch of the two has become a crucial issue in foreign language teaching.

有定期的习题集,一次堂上期中测验,但没有期末考试。There will be regular problem sets, and an in-class mid-term quiz, but there will not be a final examination.

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可是麦唛也始终没有把桃子吃掉——只在劳作堂上忍不住揭开盒盖看了一眼。Couldn't resist! During craft lesson, McMug took a quick look at the peach – that sweet thirst-quenching crispy peach.

厥后再没人在讲堂上提起过这些纸,我也不明白他们有没有在课下与童鞋大概家长评论辩论过。No one ever mentioned those pieces of paper in class again. I never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents.

在计较机普遍应用于教育,一些人以为没有教师在讲堂上阐扬主要感化。The computer The computer is widely used in education, and some people think teachers do not play important roles in the classroom.

2006年4月,英格兰都得里市的一间卫理教会发现,要在他们的新教堂上竖一个十字架,竟然需要付费。In April 2006, a Methodist church in the city of Dudley, England, found out that it would have to pay a fee to put a cross on its new building.

接着又冲上堂去,举斧直奔宋江,在堂上议事的头领门急忙拉住李逵问原因,李逵把荆门镇听到的事情说了一遍。Some commanders in the hall hurriedly blocked him and asked him for reason. Li Kui told them what he had heard, which song Jiang strongly denied.

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我们的教学模式是参照一流大学现时的教学方法,慕求令到学生在堂上获益。Our teaching method replicates what is currently used in elite universities so as to ensure skills and knowledge are delivered effectively to our students.

一项研究中,他在美国和北京的一年级数学课堂上旁听,并记录了在课上专心听讲的学生人数。In one study, he sat in first-grade math classes in the US and in Beijing and tracked the number of students who were paying attention throughout the lesson.

通过堂上练习、课外作业的组织与布置、课外作业的批改与讲评等环节,阐明练习技能训练的要旨。This paper discusses the main idea of the exercise using skill in terms of organizing and assigning classroom work and homework, and marking and commenting on homework.