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“安静!”她低声呵斥。Be quiet! ' she hissed.

人们生气地呵斥它们。The men hooted angrily at them.

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正在呵斥那些上班迟到的员工。The boss is berating those who were late for work.

警卫对他和其他囚犯厉声呵斥。The guards often yelled at him and the other prisoners.

那个男孩正想说话就被呵斥得闭上了嘴。When the boy was about to utter words,he was bellowed off.

当它们发出咕噜、尖叫、呵斥或互相吼叫时,那就是在交谈!They have conversations when they grunt, scream, hoot, or yell at each other!

也许你可以找他的碴儿加以呵斥以吸引他的注重,让他不检查我们的证件。Maybe you can yell at him about something to distract him from checking our cards.

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迫于无奈姜宇赫给妈妈打去了电话,却只听到其大声呵斥。But under JiangYuHe the mother called to the telephone, but only hear its loud hoot.

人们惶惶不安,赫五力站在门口大声呵斥,如果再没人出来,他就把这个部落毁掉。Hercules shouted from outside that if no one came out, he would destroy the whole group.

研究人员通过面试过滤了那些从来不在家里大声呵斥的人。Researchers eliminated those who reported during a screening interview that they never yelled at home.

没有蚂蚁将军会命令蚂蚁战士,没有蚂蚁经理会呵斥蚂蚁员工,蚁后除了产卵之外没有任何用处。No generals command ant warriors. No managers boss ant workers. The queen plays no role except to lay eggs.

成绩最差一名会遭到长官呵斥并接受体罚,通常要做俯卧撑。Worst of all, being scolded by seniors loudly and taking punishment, which means doing push-ups frequently.

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葵花欲呵斥正龙跟踪本人时,却发现原来他到河边拜祭投河的父亲。Sunflower desire wigged are dragon tracking himself, but found he to the river worship offering threw father.

他的朗读那么乏味造作,国王不禁大声呵斥,停下!你难道是小学生背诵课文?But his manner was so tedious that the King cried out, Stop! are you reciting a lesson in the elementary sounds?

一个受伤的工人在生产线上被呵斥道并且不让接受治疗命令继续工作。One worker injured on the production line was shouted at and ordered back to work despite needing medical treatment.

或许他们没有发现,因为那时那地我已经看到了一切,要是他们知道,迎接我的肯定是滔滔不绝的呵斥之词。Maybe they didn't find it necessary to give me the spiel because I'd already gotten the picture right then and there.

十年以后又在街头看见她头发蓬松地拉着一个拖鼻涕的男孩,一边厉声呵斥着什么,身后5、6米开外,是她头顶微秃、肚腩渐挺的丈夫。Ten years later, I see her again in the street unmanneredly pulling a dirty boy with her bald husband 5 or 6 metre apart.

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他并非不仁慈,而且我也记不起他曾经对我厉声呵斥过,但对于他的敬畏已经成为我的习惯。He was never unkind, and I cannot remember that he ever spoke harshly to me, but it was the custom to fear and admire him.

他指出,在提高安全性方面,"坐下来谈谈该怎麽做"比"呵斥BP"重要.The CEO said that rather than "shouting at BP", it was important to "sit and discuss over what to do in common" in terms of improving safety.

上主的呵斥一发,鼻孔的怒气一出,苍海的海底即出现,大地的地基也外露。And the overflowings of the sea appeared, and the foundations of the world were laid open at the rebuke of the Lord, at the blast of the spirit of his wrath.