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泰勒的哥哥杰克·泰勒说,他们希望希尔死,并对其死缓感到非常的愤怒。They want Hill dead and they were angry when his execution was halted.

被判死缓的人通常会获得减刑。People given a suspended death penalty typically have the sentence commuted.

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如果表现良好,她的死缓将被减成无期徒刑。If she shows good behavior, her sentence will be commuted to life imprisonment.

死缓制度的起源,既是一个历史问题,也是一个法学问题。The system of suspension of execution for death sentence is stated by Chinese Criminal Law.

在程序方面提出,要明确规定死缓案件核准的期限。In the aspect of procedure, the law should definitely prescribe the term of sanction of reprieve.

死缓轨制即死刑缓期两年执行的轨制,是本人国的一项共同的科罚轨制。Death sentence with a reprieve system is commuted two years system, is a unique system of punishment.

必须从程序和实体两方面对死缓制度的适用进行控制。Must control the application of the death penalty with reprieve from the procedure and substantiality.

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1名被告被判死缓,其他15名被告分别获刑2-15年不等。Another defendant received a suspended death sentence, and 15 others were given prison terms from 2 to 15 years.

当然,从法律规范层面分析,现行死缓制度仍然存在很多不足。Certainly, analyzed from the legal norm, the present suspended death sentence system still has lots of insufficiency.

中国食品和药品监督管理局的另外一名官员曹文庄上个星期因贪污受贿被判处死缓。Another food and drug official, Cao Wenzhuang, was given a suspended death sentence last week for a bribery conviction.

死缓制度作为一项独创的法律制度,源自并沿袭了历史政策。System of death sentence with a reprieve is an original legal system which derived from and followed historical policy.

死缓制度是否具有人道性,是一个抽象性的问题,也是一个经验性的问题。Whether or not suspension of death sentence can meet the human nature is an abstract question, also an empirical question.

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根据调查,重庆法院判处一个被称为“重庆屠夫”的猪肉商死缓。Investigations resulted in a Chongqing court giving a suspended death sentence to a pork mogul known as the 'butcher of Chongqing.

但因为他已经是癌症晚期,所以改判为死缓,让他在医院里治疗,他的位置由一位新市长接任。But because he was late, so his cancer for death sentence with a reprieve, let him in the hospital treatment, position of him by a new mayor.

现行死缓制度是对中国古代“少杀慎杀”思想的扬弃,在新的时代背景下具有了新的价值。The death sentence with a reprieve system took the new Chinas one kind of original creation, always is an educational world discussion focal point.

他的死刑已给予两年的死缓期,如果他在两年中,不违反任何缓刑的条规,他的死刑将减为无期徒刑。His sentence has been suspended for two years and, if Tenzin Delek does not violate the terms of the suspension, will be commuted to life in prison.

基于同样的原因,希尔的死缓使佛罗里达州的另一位死刑犯也被死缓。Hill's stay of execution also halted the death of another Florida inmate on the same grounds, and Governor Jeb Bush, a brother of President George W.

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现行死缓制度是对中国古代“少杀慎杀”思想的扬弃,在新的时代背景下具有了新的价值。The existent system of death sentence with a two-year reprieve is actually sublated from that of ancient China while taking on new value in the new epoch.

刘涌案件经过三审,先后作出了由死刑到死缓又到死刑的三次判决。The case of Liu Yong has been judged for three times and the sentence has been changed from death penalty to death with reprieve and to death penalty again.

死缓制度这一我国独特的刑罚制度产生于解放初的镇压反革命运动中。This is a death sentence with a reprieve system in China is unique in the penalty system of the liberation movement in the suppression of the counter-revolution.