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毕加索用很多种不同的方式画了上千张画。Picasso painted thousands of pictures in many different styles.

这种把手内藏有数千张塑料消毒的套筒随时处于待命状态。The system stores thousands of spooled sterile plastic sleeves inside.

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任何人出去转一圈都能拍几千张乏味的照片回来。Anyone can go out and take thousands of uninteresting landscape photos.

解码时通过重构第一千张量化表来重建原图像。In decoding, the one thousandth quantized table is reconstructed to rebuild the original image.

会有从首脑部门传来的数千张1月20日总统就职典礼的新照片。There will be thousands of new pictures from DC for the inauguration on January 20, " she said.

这是由用户们贡献的,你可以从中找到数千张不同航班不同飞机餐的图片。It is user-contributed and you'll find thousands of images of different meals on different flights.

有了这个点子后不久,他就意识到他会需要几千张的地铁卡。Soon after he came up with the bench idea, he realized that he would need several thousand MetroCards.

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卖优惠券——一搜易趣网,你就能看到数千张求购优惠券的单子。Selling coupons — Search on eBay for coupons right now and you'll see thousands of listings for coupons.

卖优惠券——一搜易趣网,你就能看到数千张求购优惠券的单子。Selling coupons — Search on eBay for coupons right now and you’ll see thousands of listings for coupons.

这个小组用上千张再入数据绘制出了航天飞机加热模式的照片。The team is using thousands of frames of re-entry data to paint a picture of the shuttle's heating patterns.

卡特里娜飓风袭击了赫曼·伦纳德在奥尔良的家和工作室,毁掉了数千张作品。Hurricane Katrina flooded Herman Leonard's home and studio in New Orleans, destroying thousands of his prints.

伤心的是,我的办公室就在房子里,几千张照片和我的笔记本都葬身火海。My office was based in the house and I have lost thousands of photographs and my notebooks, which is very sad.

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拍摄视角可以让一张照片比其他上千张都有优势,想拍出一张与众不同的照片吗?Perspective is what gives a photograph an edge over thousands of others. Want to take an edgy group photograph?

阿根廷导演马赛罗‧梅卡多1999年来欧洲之时,同时带了几千张照片与影片。When the Argentinean Marcello Mercado came to Europe in 1999, he brought with him thousands of photos and films.

之后,这几千张图片用强大的富士通CELSIUS电脑被拼接在一起成为了一张全景图片。These thousands of photos were then stitched together as one single image on a powerful Fujitsu CELSIUS computer.

当我们一宣布这宗转会,我们即刻卖掉了数千张季票,球衣以及球队的其他衍生产品。Since we announced the deal we have sold thousands of season tickets, shirts and other items associated with the team.

处理单元的钢牙因咀嚼塑料薄板而发出微弱的刺耳的声音,那朵玫瑰被撕咬成了上千张碎片。The unit emits a thin scream as steel teeth slash laminated plastic and the rose is shredded into a thousand fragments.

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它的味道很复杂,像臭豆腐、霉千张和豆腐乳混在一起的一样。It has such a complex flavour, like stinking beancurd, rotted thousand sheets and fermented beancurd, all mixed together.

他说,如果速描和粉笔画都加上,光在澳洲时就画过上千张不同的脸。He says that if sketch to draw to all plus with chalk, the light is in Australia once drew up to thousand different faces.

这种任务对我而言相当常见,因为我拥有几部数码相机,并且现在管理着一个拥有几千张精彩照片的资料库。I do this job quite often, since I've picked up a some digital cameras and now manage a library of several thousand happy snaps.