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美国芝加哥艺术学院美术史论与批评系主任。Art critic and historian, School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

本文主要采用史论结合、文献研究、理论研究和实践相结合的研究方法。The research method taken in this thesis is the combination of theory and practice.

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傅抱石在中国近视代的大画家,是唯一以研究美术史论出身的画家。Fu Bau-shris a modern painting master and is only a painter that studies art history.

本课程包涵的史论知识密度高,课外须阅读大量参考文献。This course is knowledge intensified and requires large quantity of literature readings.

前四史论赞文体演变与时代论议风潮密切相关。Lunzan style evolvement in pre-four history works is closely contacted with the era disputation vogue.

杜牧咏史诗的出现,标志着史论式咏史诗已成熟。The emergence of Dumu's historical discussing poems shows the maturity of historical commenting poems.

船山史论尤其是民族主义对近世湖南乃至中国的民族民主革命影响深远。Chuan Shan's nationalism had a great influence on Hunan even China's national and democratic revolution.

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问题意识是美术史论教学中研究性学习的基本前提。In fine arts historical treatise teaching, question consciousness is the basic premise for researching studies.

以佛释儒、颠倒万世是非之史论,触犯了儒教正统之道德底线,是李贽罹难之根本原因等。Li Zhi was sent to prison for his heretical history works which violated the moral law of Confucianism society.

由于竹器物难以保存的缘故,致使对传统民间竹器物的研究介绍经常游离于史论著作当中。The introduction to folk bamboo utensils often scatter in historical essays, for it is difficult to preserve them.

艺术史论在袁运甫这样一位有突出成就的艺术家的全部实践中居于重要地位。Thought on the history of art occupies an important place in the whole practice of a remarkable artist, Yuan Yunfu.

他在艺术史论,音乐学,建筑学和艺术教育专业上有博士授予权。It has the right to confer doctoral degrees in art theory and art history, in musicology , architecture and education.

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“论赞”是中国古代的一种史论形式。Lunzan, which is the remark being attached to historical biography, is one kind of Chinese ancient historical comment.

中晚唐史论体咏史诗的产生有深刻的历史文化原因。The History Discussing Style's emergence during the Middle and Late Period of Tang Dynasty had deep historical and cultural causes.

第二部分“现代主义艺术中的极端体验”,以史论结合的方式揭橥了极端体验在实践审美形态上的现代性品质。The second part, which is titled "Extreme Experience in the Modernism", examined the modernity qualities of the trend's praxis types.

文学史论是茅盾现代文学评论的重要组成部分,而这一点又是此前茅盾研究中较少涉及的。Review on literary history is an important part in Mao Dun's modern literary reviews, which was less studied in the previous studies on Mao Dun.

王夫之史论的内容极其丰富,本文主要是针对王夫之的秦汉史论进行研究。The content of Wang Fuzhi's historical works is extremely abundant, this text mainly carries on research to Wang Fuzhi's theory of Qin Han history.

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史论合一而无专史,这是我国古代文学艺术的特色,是其所长而非其所蔽。Making history and comments together and having no special history is the feature of ancient Chinese literature, and that is its advantage but not disadvantage.

笔者通过大量查阅汉代工艺美术史料及美术史论并通过翻阅大量汉画像石和画像砖的图片资料对其平面造型进行了较为深入的研究和探讨。Author of this article make a deep study in the plastic arts through looking up large numbers of Han dynasty art history and Han dynasty stone and brick pictures.

本文以史论结合的方法,主要从党史学、政治学、社会学的角度对新时期山西省农村扶贫工作的历程进行回顾。This paper analyses the creating mechanism of the institutional trap of rural poverty reduction from the aspect of the game theory and the peasant poverty of right.