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自那以后,这种大规模的民工潮一直使城市感到头痛。Since then, the tide of migrant workers on a large scale had made the city headache.

连续发生的工潮使政府寻求解决方法的企图遭到失败。The continuing industrial unrest mocked the government's attempts to find a solution.

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作为工业革命的结果,英国到1830年止成为世界工潮。As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the"workshop of the world".

中国作为“世界工潮,多年来发展蒸蒸日上,但现在它也希望成为”世界实验室。AFTER years of prospering as the world's workshop, China now wants to be its laboratory as well.

这似乎是能够解释为什么中国能够预期一个长期的燥热的夏季民工潮。That, paradoxically, is part of the reason why China can expect a long hot summer of industrial action.

随着改革开放的推进,人口流动日益加剧,我国出现了前所未有的民工潮。With the reform and opening up and increasing population flows in China, an unprecedented tide of peasant workers emerged.

自2004年春开始,曾引起社会各界关注多年的民工潮逐步被以农民工短缺为特征的民工荒所取代。From the spring of 2004, the migrant worker tide which is paid close attention to has been substituted by the migrant worker shortage.

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本文从改革、发展和稳定的高度,对以"民工潮"为主体的农民流迁现象进行了系统的分析。This paper analyses systematically, from the viewpoint of development and stability, the migrant farmer phenomena, mainly "the laborer tide".

是的,这些都是民工潮带来的问题,但怎么看待他们对城市的发展和繁荣所作出的贡献呢?。True, these are the problems posed by the migration, but what about the contribution the rural worker have made to the city's development and prosperity?

在企业已经面临原材料成本上涨、工潮和由于人民币升值而造成的出口回报降低。Companies were already under pressure from rising raw material costs, restive workers and lower payments for exports because of a stronger Chinese currency.

研究民工潮下的农村养老问题已是社会各界无法回避的重大课题。So a study of the providing for the aged confronted with the tide of the rural labor has been an important question in our society including academic circles.

示威工潮持续,贵荣的车子再次驶到大厦门口,众多示威者上前拦截,还有人向汽车投掷胶樽。Labor unrest continues the demonstration, your car again drove to the door of the building, many protesters to intercept, throwing plastic bottles out of cars and people.

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此次工潮中,勇于反抗的雇员们已经停工好几天了,他们抱怨说工资太低,医疗保险承保范围太狭窄。In this case, defiant employees have stopped working for the last several days. They are complaining about the deficiency in pay and the deficient medical insurance coverage.

跟着社会的不断提高和城市化入程的不断加快,大量农夫工从农村落涌入城市,形成一浪接一浪的民工潮。With social progress and urbanization continue to speed up the process, a large number of migrant workers from rural areas into cities, a form of wave after wave of the tide.

认为民工潮是一场以自生自发的行动为表现形式的法治思想启蒙运动。So it holds that the tide of peasant workers is a movement of China's ideological enlightenment of ruling by law characterized by the peasant's voluntary and spontaneous action.

城市化进程中的民工潮是中国由传统农业社会向现代工业社会过渡的大势所趋。Tides of migrant workers in China's urbanization process has turned to be an inevitable trend that China is transferring from a traditional agricultural society to a modern industrial society.