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他推着小脚轮车乒乒乓乓地过了几道门。He crashed the trolley through the doors.

我们可以听见孩子们在楼上乒乒乓乓地跑来跑去。We could hear the children banging about upstairs.

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同时巴掌拳头就乒乒乓乓地落在了我的身上。At the same time a series of slaps and blows fell on me.

此刻,突然下起了冰雹,乒乒乓乓地砸在屋顶上。At this moment, hailstones happen to thump on the rooftops.

他们拿着各自狄滋花“乒乒乓乓”天搁了起来。They hold their own fireworks, "banging" to put up. Adults also watch out.

她听得见他在厨房里,乒乒乓乓地寻找晚餐剩下的食物。She could hear him in the kitchen noisily foraging about for dinner leftovers.

这时突然下起冰雹,乒乒乓乓地砸在屋顶上,顷刻间草地上银珠纷飞,水坑里水花四溅。Now hailstones thump upon the roof. They bounce white against the grass and splash into the puddles.

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周末被乒乒乓乓的敲打声惊醒,心脏突突跳得厉害,不得已强睁开惺忪的睡眼。Tap the beat-up by the weekend, the heart palpitate looked up , the last strong open our bleary eyes.

乒乒乓乓变成了滴滴答答之后,甚至变成了滴滴打车之后,生活终于开始安顿下来。After "pong-pong" turn into "di-di", even turned into Didi taxi, life is finally starting to settle down.

由于有很多小孩子,青少年和成年人来这里练球,而且一练就是几个小时,大厅里乒乒乓乓的声音会持续一整天而且通常直到天黑。The great hall clicks and clacks -- all day long and often until dark -- with children, teenagers and adults who dedicate hours to training.

黑佛的小弟听到屋内乒乒乓乓,感觉不对,想要敲门进来,谢若雪只能跳窗逃走。Black Buddhas younger brother heard banging her house, the feeling is wrong, want to knock on the door came in, escape Xie Re snow can only be jumping.

一整天都是狂风暴雨,鬼哭狼嚎似的,建筑物也乒乒乓乓的响。It was violent wind and rain the whole day, screaming and howling outside like ghosts and wolves, even the building was rattling, ping-pong, ping-pong.

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这乒乒乓乓的一斗不要紧,在摸进小楼四面八方的几百人里,引起了可怕的连锁反应。One Dou of this Ping ping-pong Pang is unimportant, at touch into small building all directions of several 100 people inside, aroused terrible chain reaction.

新年钟声一声举国欢庆,电子鞭炮乒乒乓乓都不过瘾,吉利祥话给你都是一片温馨。New year a ding whole nation joyfully celebrates, the electronic firecrackers pingpong do not satisfy a craving, the auspicious auspicious words give you are a warmth.

在两个新成立的私人电台之一的Ariana电视台办公处,播音人员在大声呼救,外面乒乒乓乓和高声呐喊的声音清晰可闻。At the offices of Ariana television, one of two new private stations here, broadcasters appealed on the air for help as sounds of banging and shouting outside could be heard.