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黎明追着子夜来临了,似乎匆忙得乱了阵脚。Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.

2010年,元旦,子夜刚过了几秒钟。A few seconds after midnight on New Year’s Eve, 2010.

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子夜钟声响起的时候,仪式开始了。The ceremony started as the chimes of midnight struck.

子夜刚过,这对11年来的有情人终成眷属。Just after midnight, the partners of 11 years were married.

休和米丽亚姆子夜时分就要正式离婚了。The divorce of Hugh and Miriam Halsworth becomes final at midnight.

爱是在圣诞前夜的子夜一起度过的美好时光。Love is spending a few minutes together at midnight before Christmas.

子夜后,泰姬玛哈大酒店响起了一连串的爆炸声。A series of explosions had rocked the Taj Mahal only despite midnight.

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我听说除夕的子夜时刻你们应该互相亲吻。I heard you’re supposed to kiss each other at midnight on New Year’s Eve.

但那些在子夜后睡觉的人的就寝时刻较着少很多。But that amount of sleep dropped significantly for those in bed after midnight.

不过最流行的习俗,照样赶在子夜钟响过去把悉数葡萄都吃失!For most, the goal is to swallow all the grapes before the last stroke of midnight.

我们曾在风雪飞舞的子夜遐想,在曙色初露的黎明展望。We had snow flying midnight reverie, burst on the scene at dawn to the dawn of prospects.

老赵说,我们今晚呆在一起,正可以说是从子夜到黎明。We are just awakening from midnight to dawn, for what we get together tonight, Laozhao says.

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子夜的暴风雪,像一个巨大的孩子,在不合时宜的黑夜醒来,开始游戏和喧闹。Storm of midnight, like a giant child awakened in the untimely dark, has begun play and shout.

子夜的风雨,如一个巨大的宝宝,在不合时宜的黑夜里醒来,开端游戏和喧闹。Storm of midnight, love a giant kid awakened in the untimely dark, has begun to play or shaway.

3月21日,时近子夜,当贝拉克?奥巴马向全美民众发表讲话之时,他是完全有权自鸣得意的。THE Barack Obama who addressed Americans at near midnight on March 21st had every right to gloat.

在柏利恒耶稣诞生的教堂中,子夜弥撒之后,员工多次清理该地。And in Bethlehem where workers spend times cleaning up after the midnight mass at the church of Nativity.

不过,我们中的大部分人都觉得在子夜时分醒来,不能算是大脑运行如常的信号。Most of us, however, do not treat middle-of-the-night awakenings as a sign of a normal, functioning brain.

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尽管龙卷风的警告频频发出,达尔文市的人们还是早在子夜前就上床睡觉了。In spite of the continued cyclone warnings, the people of Darwin went to bed well before midnight that night.

预计希腊议会将在三天辩论之后,于周五子夜时分举行这次最新的信任表决。Parliament is expected to hold this latest confidence vote at midnight Friday, following three days of debate.

中国称,任何参与此次示威活动的人必须在当地时间星期一子夜前自首。China says anyone who took part in the demonstrations must give themselves up by midnight, local time , on Monday.