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教师播放投影片,放录音,学生先从视听觉上对新内容有一感性认识。Now, let's look at the picture and listen to the tape.

但是F-35从对越少越好的感性认识上来说是最好的阐释。But the F-35 is the ultimate expression of the less-is-more sensibility.

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但是F-35从对越少越好的感性认识上来说是最好的阐释。But the F-35 is the ultimate expression_r of the less-is-more sensibility.

不过,说来说去,给我感性认识的,还数那个“枕头”。But then, tell the truth, give me a knowledge of geist should be that " Pillow ".

如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。if one thinks rational knowledge is not get from perceptual,then he is an idealist.

实物与图片结合展示,增强感性认识。The combination of real objects and pictures showing, and enhance product awareness.

震前异常现象的发现具有极高的科学价值,是感性认识上的重大飞跃。The discovery of abnormal pre-seismic phenomena, a great leap in perceptual knowledge.

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如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。If he considers rational knowledge are not from perceptual knowledge,then he is Idealist.

在上个学年末尾,塞德里克遇难之前,哈利还没有对死亡的感性认识。Harry hadn't yet come to that point with Cedric's death at the end of the last school year.

如果认为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。If thinking conceptual knowledge don't come from perceptual knowledge, he is a spiritualist.

如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。If you think reasonable cognition could get from unreasonable cognition,so he is a spiritualist.

如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。He would be a spiritualist if he didn't think rational knowledge comes from perceptual knowledge.

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这使得人发人员可以对某个运行在JRuby上的应用如何与优化器交互有一个感性认识。This is useful to get a feel how an application running on JRuby interacts with the optimizations.

如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist.

注重培养学生的感性认识,提倡灵活多样的教学手段。Teachers promote flexible and diverse teaching methods in order to train students' perceptual knowledge.

通过进行设计接线编程练习,增强学员对可编程控制器的感性认识。Cable programming through design practice, and enhance student perceptions of the programmable controller.

目前我们一些从事学生品德教育的人员大多局限于“知其然不知其所以然”的感性认识阶段。At present some of people who are engaged of students' moral education are mostly limited to be geist stage.

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我们曾经依靠感官认知世界,并以感性认识为基础建立了科学理论。而这些感性认识受到了人类生理条件的制约。We have viewed our world and based our scientific theories upon perceptions which are limited by human anatomy.

庄子庖丁解牛的神遇也是一种有别于感性认识的视而不见的视。Chuang-tzu's Supernatural encounter in the story of "dismemberment of ox by Paodin" is also a view without looking.

对于中国石油行业的行政垄断状况,国内现在一般停留在感性认识上。To the administrative monopoly in China's oil industry, the domestic study is now generally stays on the perceptions.