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关于口琴又怎样呢?What about on a harmonica?

我很喜欢口琴草堂。I like Harmonica University.

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口琴曲谱栏目里面有。You can find it in the tunes column.

他把玉米棒子弄得象口琴一样。He made a harmonica out of the corncob.

他口琴吹得很好。He played quite well on the mouth-organ.

接着,他又掌握了口琴和钢琴。He then mastered the harmonica and the piano.

那么就去买一支十孔口琴,来加入我们吧!Please find a 10 hole harmonica, and join us!

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这种基本的口琴是一种全音的乐器。The basic harmonica is a diatonic instrument.

除了半音阶口琴,其余的都可以洗。You can water except the chromatic harmonica.

一并送给我的,还有一支只有七个音孔的小口琴。He gave me a old clockwork frog and a harmonica.

不过,同时使用两把口琴的情况是不常见的。However, it is not common to use two harmonicas.

感觉起来好像是针对我,她的口琴和所有。It felt forced to me, with her harmonica and all.

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新发的五首口琴曲谱为什麽有两首是重的?Two new tunes are duplicated in the five new ones.

不能使用非口琴类乐器。Non-harmonica musical instruments shall not be used.

然后他们请小杨吹口琴。Then they called on Xiao Yang to play the harmonica.

您听过口琴的美妙音乐吗?Have you ever heard the wonderful music of harmonicas ?

主唱,键盘手,吉他手,口琴,龙舌兰。Alec – Lead Vocals, keyboards, guitar, harmonica, tequila.

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买了个破口琴几年了,断断续续的瞎吹,就是找不着门道。Have bought a harmonica for some years, I can not play it.

就连一把口琴也能杀人,可这只是传说而已。Even a harmonica, of course, can kill. But only in legends.

六年前,柳愉生送了一支口琴给周耀华。Six years ago, Liu Yusheng sent a harmonica to Zhou Yaohua.