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冬天他们向南做反向的迁徙。In winter they return southwards.

燕子秋天往南方迁徙。Swallows migrate south in autumn.

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食物减少导致鲸类迁徙?Drop in Food Driving Whale Migration?

有些鸟随季节迁徙。Some birds migrate as season changes.

我认为生齿迁徙极其紧张。Immigration, I feel is extremely important.

鸟的迁徙是一种承诺。The travel of bird is some kind of promise.

人们也因不断扩张的沙漠而被剥迁徙。Spreading deserts are also displacing people.

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早期人类向亚洲迁徙殖民的过程,就进行了两次。Early humans did, colonising Asia in two waves.

长途迁徙是黑脉金斑蝶的天性。Migrating long distances is in a monarch's blood.

大多数鸟迁徙时要飞很远的路程。Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate.

鹀亚科的鸟类是迁徙鸟类中最多的类群。Buntings are the biggest monoid of migratory bird.

大多数鸟迁徙时要飞很远的路程。Large numbers of birds migrate south every winter.

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除非万不得已,他们不喜欢迁徙They didn't move, unless they were driven to move.

奥吉布瓦人各部落都分为若干迁徙性家族。Each Ojibwa tribe was divided into migratory bands.

这是一张标有海龟迁徙三种路线图的地图。A map of the three routes taken by migrating turtles.

我感觉自己就像在旷野中迁徙的傻瓜给标记了。I feel tagged like a migrating goose on Wild Kingdom.

尤以夏季鲸鱼迁徙时多发。Especially in summer when the whales migrate multiple.

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公民迁徙权的缺失,导致公民权利的不平衡。Becauseof the lack of it, citizen's right loses balance.

网捕伤到的除了常见的鸟类外,亦会伤到迁徙的鹤。Bsides smaller birds, cranes are also seen harmed by nets.

在这个迁徙的过程中,它们的肾脏会适应水中盐度的不同变化。On the way, their kidneys adapt to the change in salinity.