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它们从不自动放弃。They never waiver.

自动擦鞋机“,”Auto Shoe Polisher.

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手排挡或自动排挡?Manual or automatic?

自动填写为领域的合作。Auto-fill for fields.

自动给谈判。Auto-Rate Negotiation.

该死的自动更正!Damn you auto-correct!

我较喜欢自动排档车。I prefer the automatic.

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宏正自动科技是埃及为太阳。Aten is Egyptian for Sun.

注册自动付账单系统。Sign up for auto-billpay.

何谓自动下线?What is automatic logoff?

基元类型的自动装箱。Auto-boxing of primitives.

自动绕线机“,”Automatic Winding Machine.

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什么是“投币式自动洗衣店”?。What is a coin-op laundry?

大图自动分割功能。Auto divide large pictures.

自动播放该单元对白。Click to play the dialogue.

别再说“自动过滤洛杉矶”了!加入我们吧!Don't beat L. A. ! Join us!

这些是自动注入式的笔吗?Are these self-filling pens?

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出口自动许可证号。Automatic export licence No.

自动贩卖机式的图书馆。The Vending-Machine Library.

这是一个自动更新帐号。This account is unmonitored.