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我当卡西的女傧相。I was bridesmaid to Cathy.

谢谢。你能做我们的傧相吗?Thanks. Will you be our best man?

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她在婚礼上担任女傧相。She was a bridesmaid at the wedding.

让我来做你的傧相吧。Why don't you ask me to stand up with you?

吉姆请他弟弟作他的傧相。Jim asked his brother to stand up with him.

此外﹐我们可能还有5到6个男傧相和女傧相。In addition we might have 5 or 6 groomsmen and bridesmaids.

艾米是伴娘,凯丽,安布尔和梅利莎做女傧相。Amy was the maid of honor and Kyrie, Amber, and Melissa were the bridesmaids.

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直到他开始警官感觉从女傧相和六月用那一张桌子打击他。Until he started copping feels from the bridesmaids and Jun hit him with that table.

而且他们两个人家里亲戚都很多,兄弟姐妹都可以做傧相。They both have big families, so their siblings will be the bridesmaids and groomsmen.

大多数新娘会拥有几名女傧相,其中主要的那个叫伴娘。Most brides will have several bridesmaids with a principal one called the maid of honour.

素伍是一位女傧相,穿一件漂亮的粉红色的连衣裙,捧着一小束鲜花。Sue was one of the bridesmaids. She was wearing a lovely pink dress and was carrying a small bouquet.

而现在,男女傧相只是在婚礼过程中给新郎和新娘帮忙的朋友。Nowdays, bridesmaids and ushers are simply friends who help the bride and groom during the wedding celebration.

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而现在,男女傧相只是在婚礼过程中给新郎和新娘帮忙的朋友。Nowadays, bridesmaids and ushers are simply friends who help the bride and groom during the wedding celebration.

2001年在老友丽莎。明妮莉第四次婚礼上,杰克逊将新娘交给新郎大卫。吉斯特,而伊丽莎白·泰勒则是明妮莉的首席女傧相。The singer gave away pal Liza Minnelli at her fourth wedding in 2001 to David Gest. Liz Taylor was Minnelli's matron of honor.

新娘康尼“科里昂容光焕发地和新郎,傧相以及迎宾招待坐在一张特殊的桌子上。The bride, Connie Corleone, sat in splendor at a special raised table with her groom, the maid of honor, bridesmaids and ushers.

从前,男女傧相在婚礼上要穿跟新郎、新娘相似的衣服,以迷惑魔鬼,让他们弄不清谁要结婚。The bridesmaids and ushers once dressed like the bride and groom to trick evil spirits so that they would not know who was getting married.

我们要采购预约,婚礼睡衣,新娘,女傧相,丝缎子,习惯制造,裁缝师制造,薄纱,似,洋装,卖花女,球,睡衣球。We want to buy Bespoke , Wedding Gown, Bride, Bridesmaid, Silk Satin, Custom Made, Tailor Made, Tulle, Organza, Dress, Flower Girl, Ball, Gown Ball.

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其他几位小男女傧相均从友人及皇室成员的孩子里选出,包括威廉王子的叔叔爱德华王子的女儿路易丝·温莎郡主。are made up of young children from friends and members of the royal family, including Louise Windsor, the daughter of William's uncle Prince Edward.

她想到了已故的母亲,流下了泪水,但随后又打起精神来和伴娘、女傧相、友人及姨妈一同冲到抢购最前沿。She shed some tears while thinking of her late mother, but then regained her good spirits while leading the charge along with her bridesmaid, maid of honor, friend and aunt.

其他几位小男女傧相均从友人及皇室成员的孩子里选出,包括威廉王子的叔叔爱德华王子的女儿路易丝·温莎郡主。Other bridesmaids and page boys are made up of young children from friends and members of the royal family, including Louise Windsor, the daughter of William s uncle Prince Edward.