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见鬼去吧!坏情绪!怎麽翻译?Go to hell! Bad mood!

翻译句子这抽屉锁不上。This drawer won't lock.

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此翻译是坏。This translater is bad.

标记未翻译文本。Flags untranslated text.

它不需要翻译。It needs no translation.

那是一个翻译舛误。It is an error in transl.

它叫做翻译机。It's called an interpreter.

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翻译是怎么样?What about the translation?

你能把它翻译成法语吗?Can you turn it into French?

翻译成我喜好茶,不喜好咖啡对么?I like tea more than coffee.

我想当口语翻译。I want to be an interpreter.

感谢字幕组的翻译!Thank you for the subtitles.

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翻译为你在哪所学校学习?青云英…In which school do you study?

这实在是对不起翻译背谬。Sorry for my bad translation.

你可以做我的翻译吗?Can you act as my interpreter?

除此之外,翻译还丢失或改变了原文的其他东西吗?What else gets lost or warped?

我是你们的导游兼翻译。I am your guide and translator.

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“想说爱你是件不容易的事”该如何翻译呢?Saying love to you is not easy.

公司内部资料与文件的翻译。To translate the company files.

我朋友将给我当翻译。My friend will translate for me.