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我咯咯笑了。I giggled.

母鸡咯咯叫。Hens cluck.

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我们咯咯地笑了。We chuckled.

母鸡咯咯叫。A hen cackles.

她高兴的咯咯直笑。She chuckled with joy.

她用咯咯声表示她的高兴。She gurgled her delight.

她“咯咯”笑着作为回应。She'd gurgle in response.

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婴儿高兴地咯咯做声。The baby gurgled happily.

我说着,基斯咯咯地笑了。I said and Keith chuckled.

他咯咯地笑着说,“开玩笑的。”"Makin' joke, " he giggled.

“相信我,”贝西咯咯地笑道。“Trust me,” Bessie giggled.

母鸡咯咯叫,公鸡喔喔啼。A hen cackles. A cock crows.

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他为自己讲的话咯咯地笑了起来。He cackled at his own words.

她们咯咯,咕咕。They gurgled, and they gooed.

你将要出名了,他咯咯笑着。You'll be famous, he cackles.

“怎么不可以,”那女的咯咯一笑道。"Why not," giggles the woman.

她会快乐地小小声咯咯笑。She has a happy little giggle.

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我们听见了母鸡下蛋后的咯咯叫声。We heard the cackle of the hen.

那只老母鸡在笼子里咯咯地叫。The old hen clicked in the coop.

他发出一阵很低的咯咯的笑声。He gave a low gurgle of laughter.