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你在书上都可以读到这些史实You can read about that.

让我引述一些史实然后摆出我的观点。Let me premise my argument with a bit of history.

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有些史实已经能够证明这一点。There was already some historical evidence for this.

考以史实,“别籍异财法”在社会基层的实际推行效果并不理想。In fact the implementation of this law is not as ideal as supposed.

史实证明,实行进贡制是太平天国终归失败的重要原因之一。Historical evidence shows that the practice of paying tributes is one of.

我可以看出书的内容并不怎么样,但却是根据史实撰写的。The book was mostly rot, I knew that, but it was founded on historical fact.

第一部分是1945-1956年间英国游离于欧洲之外的史实介绍及原因探讨。Part one deals with Britain's neglect of the European Integration in 1945-1956.

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巴勒斯坦的历史没有文字性的记录,史实性不够——但那些传统就是我们的历史。In Palestine there's no written document, no historicity—but still, it's history.

其中包括标点、文字、史实、时误等方面的考证。It includes punctuation, writing, history, time in error in such areas as research.

第二种的论据,我已经提到过,是基于史实的A second kind of set of arguments, I've already referred to, are the historical ones.

论文第一章为“渝派纪录片”的史实清理和现实呈现。Chapter I The facts clearing and the realistic rendering of"Yu-faction documentary ".

虽经大幅修改,仍然存在很多歪曲史实的问题。In spite of big revisions, the textbook still contains numerous distortions of history.

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问题是,根据史实我们可以发现,这些书籍并非由使徒所写。The problem was we can tell historically that these texts were not written by apostles.

但是虽然记载的预言是史实,有关蒸汽的问题依然存在。But while the reciting of prophecies is historical fact, questions about those vapors remain.

确切地讲,它是融回忆、思考、史实和直觉探索于一身。rather it is part reminiscence, part reflection, part history, and part intuitive exploration.

找10本可读性强,更重要的是能够揭露有关列宁史实的专著绝非易事。Finding 10 readable and – more importantly – revealing monographs on Lenin is quite a tough call.

去年,约翰城的露天表演者们决定要更尊重史实。Last year, the pageant producers in Johnson City, Texas, decided to be more historically precise.

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吐鲁番出土的文书和随葬品充分证明了这一历史史实。The ancient books and articles in the tombs unearthed in Turpan have proved this historical fact.

本文以具体史实考析了陈良绍是明永乐年间随郑和下西洋的苏州医生。The thesis examines Chen as a doctor of Suzhou who joined Zheng He's fleet in the reign of Yongle.

但这两种理论皆属一种理论虚构,难以考之史实。Nevertheless, these two theories all belong to a theoretical fiction, and the facts are hard to be proved.