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他将把房子刷白。He will have his house white-washed.

月亮把大地照得刷白。The earth turned white under the moon.

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墙体随后被刷白,于是有了“白宫”的称号。Now listen to the text again and follow along.

学生们用管土把他们的鞋和帽子都刷白了。The students pipe-clay their shoes and helmets.

刷白涂红以后,他们像戴上了面具。Whitewashed and ruddled, they seem to be wearing masks.

在这儿,在他脚下,一幢刷白的砖房将拔地而起。Here under his feet would rise a house of whitewashed brick.

听到她女儿发生车祸的消息她吓得脸色刷白。Her face blanched with fear at the news of her daughter's accident.

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听到她女儿发生车祸的消息她吓得脸色刷白。Her face blanches with fear at the news of her daughter's accident.

岁月刷白了我的两鬓,我快老啦,但你却一定还很年轻。Time turns my hair white and I'm growing old, yet you must still be very young.

那是一大间用灰浆刷白了的屋子,里面有一张床,床上铺着印花棉布的床单。Within was a large whitewashed room, with a bed draped in printed cotton stuff.

请大家看那边的新楼,那是我们今年重新刷白的图书馆。Please look at the new building over there. It's our library that was painted white again this year.

他算来算去,觉得暂时没有必要把更多的洞窟刷白,就刷这几个吧,他达观地放下了刷把。He thought for a moment and decided it was unnecessary to whitewash the other caves, and then he laid down his brush magnanimously.

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偶尔让色彩尽情绽放一身魅力,再以刷白牛仔裤协调出年轻朝气。Let color burst forth a suit of glamour heartily once in a while and then coordinate out young vigor with the jeans being brushed white color.

船非武装,而且刷白颜色,漆上清楚明显享有国际战争法下的日内瓦公约保护的红十字符号。The ship is unarmed, and painted in white colour, with the red cross symbol clearly visible to enjoy Geneva convention protection under the international laws of war.

刷白的海岸松装饰着厨房,虽然有些紧凑,但是房间具备了一个现代化厨房所需求的所有设备和装置,并以一种简洁的形式存在着。The white-washed Maritime Pine fronted kitchen, though compact in size, houses all of the conveniences and appliances required of a modern kitchen but in a reduced form.

那是一大间用灰浆刷白了的屋子,里面有一张床,床上铺着印花棉布的床单,屋角里有只摇篮,几张木椅,墙上挂着一枝双管枪。Within was a large whitewashed room with a bed draped in printed cotton stuff and a cradle in one corner a few wooden chairs and a double-barrelled gun hanging on the wall.