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她的脸因鼻子残损而破相。Her face was disfigured by a broken nose.

如果我们发现残损该怎么处理?If we find damaged cargo, how to deal with it?

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这件古董残损的很厉害,不会卖出好价钱的。The antique is too damaged to sell at a good price.

上述残损是在营口港卸货造成的。The above damage caused in yingkou during discharging.

包装不良造成残损,船方不负责任。Ship not responsible for damage caused by poor packing.

上述残损是由工人们在卸船期间造成的。The above mentioned damage was made by stevedores during discharging.

人民币在多次参与流通后,必然会受到磨损,变为残损货币。Renminbi would be worn down to mutilated currency after many circulations.

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我们不同意你方把残损归因于运输途中的野蛮装卸。We cannot agree to your attributing the damage to rough handing in transit.

在残损的宋陵雕像后收获秋粮的农民。Some farmers are harvesting behind the destroyed statuary of Song Mausoleum.

残损货不经修补或替换不准出口。The damaged cargo is not allowed to export without being repaired or replaced.

他的职责是点清数字,分清啧克,检查可能的残损。His duty is to check figures, sort marks and inspect any possible damage to cargo.

由于它们残损如此严重,恐怕我们无法提货。As they are in such a damaged condition, we doubt we will be able to take delivery.

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病人们住在医苑整形外科的病房以恢复他们残损的肢体。Patients recovering from broken limbs are housed in the hospital's orthopedic ward.

理货组长,残损箱太多了,如果我签的话我会有麻烦的。Chief tallyman , the damage containers are so many, if I sign, I'll get into trouble.

装货过程中我们会捡出关内残损货,如果有的话。We'll pick out the damaged cargo in the slings during loading, provided there is any.

我能不能占用你几分钟来讨论一下如何来处理残损货?。Could I take up a few minutes of yours to talk about what to do with the damaged cargo?

艺术品修复工作者发明了一种利用细菌对老旧残损画作进行清理的技术。Art restorers are developing a technique to clean old and damaged painting using bacteria.

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上述残损卸前发现,并经值班驾驶员验看。The above mentioned damaged cargo found before discharging , and inspected by duty officer.

我只是一块残损的碎片,无法确定自己,所以也不知道该以何面目示人。I'm just a damaged piece of debris, not sure myself, so what also don't know what to come off.

对应县木塔结构残损状态的详细分析是其修缮加固的基础。It is important to understand the damage state of Yingxian wooden tower for its overhaul and repair.