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从你身上,我知道这是千真万确的。I know it is true from you.

千真万确,弗里曼是正确的。Freeman is dead right, of course.

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尽管难以置信,但却是千真万确的。I know, hard to believe, but true.

珀利阿斯的预言千真万确。Pelias ' prediction was quite right.

我再说一遍,我千真万确地认识他。I repeat that I recognize him perfectly.

我要得到你,这是千真万确的。I'm gonna getcha. It's a matter of fact.

这绝对是一个聪明绝顶的主意——千真万确!It's a clever idea -- no doubt about it!

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造福于人,无疑是千真万确的幸福。——阿密埃尔。Benefit the people, no doubt, is the true happiness.

我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。I can attest to the absolute truth of his statement.

我们是相爱的,千真万确,天地可鉴。We are in love, and it's true love, it's verifiable.

这事千真万确,绝非谣传,因为电视台已经播报了这一消息。It was true this time because even the TV had announced it.

“我确实看到他的愤怒,奇平。”吉布斯强调,“千真万确。”"I've seen rage from him, Chip, " Gibbs insisted. "I have. "

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“千真万确,年轻人戴旧式帽子了,”他说。“It’s true, young people wear old-fashioned hats, ” he said.

“不入虎穴,焉得虎子”这句话说得千真万确。It is quit true that "nothing is ventured, nothing is gained".

哇噻!那么多马!千真万确,一点儿都不骗你,很多很多马,都和曾在我家出现的那只一个模样。There were horses, yes, quite a few, just like the one in my flat.

或许这世上真的没有什么不老泉能让你永葆青春,但却有一种千真万确的方法Maybe there is no fountain of youth, but there is a surefire way to

这些作品是千真万确的、甚至是反传统的二维图像。These images are flagrantly, almost transgressively two-dimensional.

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千真万确,有一次斯蒂夫是驾驶一辆007开过的宝马车,不过那是在电视节目上作节目开心而已。It is true, once Stevie drove 007's car a little bit for a joke on TV.

千真万确,卤特非食在美国比在挪威更受欢迎。It' true, lutefisk is more popular in the United States than in Norway.

谚语,“计划也是一个动词”对软件测试来说是千真万确的。The saying, "Plan is also a verb" holds very true for software testing.