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多语种索引与停止的话免职。Multilingual indexing with stop words removal.

日文在图书馆编目语种中属于小语种。Japanese in the library cataloguing is not used frequently.

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你可以在互联网上找到大部分主要语种的家庭教师。You can find tutors for most major languages on the Internet.

在法语等语种,形容词和冠词也有数的变化。In languages like French, adjectives and articles have number too.

我社拥有一批能力强、精通英、日、韩、俄等多国语种的导游队伍。We have many guides who can speak English, Japanese, Korean, Russian.

英语和中文双语版,其他语种已被精简。English and Chinese bilingual edition, in other languages has been streamlined.

吊床、现场音乐和多语种的图书馆是其他一些吸引游客的地方。Hammocks, live music and a multi-lingual library are some of the other attractions.

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简单的多语种环境可能需要能够在语言之间进行映射。Simple multi-lingual environments may need the ability to map languages one to one.

多语种的应用软件在中外合资企业应用前景光明。The multi-language software system can be used widely in jointed ventures in China.

我也希望看到不同语种维基百科有更好的链接。I'd also really like to see better linking between the different languages of wikipedia.

环球170个语种的口译、笔译、听译、英外互译、外籍人才办事。Best Services for VIP Customers, Translation & Interpretation of 170 Languages Worldwide.

英语的表达能力,书写能力,谈判能力良好,会其他语种者优先。Good presentation, writing and negotiation skills in English. Other languages are a plus.

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此外我们还提供英语、西班牙语及其他语种的健康与癌症信息。We also offer free health and cancer information in English, Spanish, and other languages.

用户提供一段文本,它立刻就会给出其他语种的翻译。You feed it with a string of text and instantly get the result in various other languages.

HCL还表示,其计划通过在巴西南里奥格兰德设立一个用于支持全球和本地客户的多语种呼叫中心,以拓展公司在该区域基础设施服务的覆盖范围,该呼叫中心还将向全球电信客户和大型机客户提供全球支持。The facility will also provide global support for telecom and mainframe customers worldwide.

我们幻想着任何语种的任何一本印刷出版的书,都能在60秒内提供给大家。Our vision is every book, ever printed, in any language, all available in less than 60 seconds.

其他签语种类还包括幽默、励志格言、谜语和中国俗谚的翻译。Other message categories are humor, motivational sayings , riddles and translated Chinese idioms.

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网络孔子学院开通9个语种,注册用户达10万人。The Confucius Institute Online has opened channels in 9 languages, with 100,000 registered users.

所谓语种文学,就是使用某种语言和文字所表现出来的文学形态。The language-based literature is a type of literature based on one of languages and their scripts.

管理是基于角色的,支持多语种、多管理员和用户级别。The management is role-based, with multilanguage support and multiple administrator and user levels.