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他们正在给灶王爷提供贡品。They are offering sacrifice to the Kitchen God.

有时,画像中的灶王爷是站在一匹马的旁边。Sometimes, he is shown standing next to a horse.

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另外一种是给灶王爷提供贡品。Another one is offering sacrifice to the Kitchen God.

在这一天,人们应该向灶王爷献祭。At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god.

这一天的活动叫做“祭灶”,也就是“拜灶王爷”。People offer a sacrifice to the Kitchen God on this day.

旧时,差不多家家灶间都设有“灶王爷”神位。Formerly, almost every family kitchen with" Kitchen God" god.

在农历腊月23日人们会祭灶王爷。The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve.

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画像中的灶王爷穿着漂亮的衣服。The picture of the Kitchen God shows a man dressed in fine clothes.

在中国农村,在做完大扫除之后,就是祭拜灶王爷的时间了。In rural areas, after the housecleaning, it was time to bid farewell to the Kitchen God.

有些中国人家里有一个古老的习俗,他们会在厨房里贴一张灶王爷的画像。An old practice of some Chinese families is to place a picture of the Kitchen God in the kitchen.

乡村的春节很喜庆,贴着春联和门神,供奉灶王爷之类的画像。Villages Spring Festival very festive, adorned couplets and door god, enshrines Kitchen God like portrait.

他们在焚烧灶王爷的画像之前,在他的嘴上涂上甜食,这是为了让他一定要说好听的话。They put something sweet on his mouth before burning the picture. This is to make sure his words will be"sweet."

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灶王爷就是玉皇大帝手下的一位大官儿,他掌管人间的灶火。“灶”就是古代人们做饭的地方。The Kitchen God is a senior officer of the Jade Emperor of Heaven. He is in charge of the stove of the human world.

我在心里默默地告诉灶王爷,我不怕你上天去说我的坏话,只要保佑我明年能拿个三好学生就好了。I tell the kitchen god in my heart silently, I am not afraid of you to speak ill of me, as long as bless me to take a miyoshi students next year.

到了那天,人们在灶王爷的画像前面放上糖果、清水、豆子和草,其中后三样东西是给灶王爷骑的马吃的。People put candies, branch water , beans or peas, and grass in front of the God. The last three are sacrifices to the horse ridden by the Kitchen God.

风俗是给灶王爷提供贡品,确保他回到天上的时候会上报一些我们家庭的好处。The custom is to offer a ceremonial sacrifice to the Kitchen God, to make sure that he gives a good report on the family's behavior when he returns to heaven.

在我的背后,烧着一柱香,屋角墙上贴着灶王爷的神像,面前放着几碗油饼、小米饭之类的简陋供品。Behind me I saw incense sticks burning, and going to a corner, I noticed a few bowls of crullers, rice and poor food set before a paper drawing of the Kitchen God.

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灶王爷垂着长长的胡须,仁慈地默默望着这些供品。缕缕香烟缭绕在他的脸前,他也不眨一限。With his long drooping mustache, he looked down in silent benevolence upon the food offered him, but blinked not an eye as the smoke from the incense sticks curled up past his face.