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开门,要不然我就要破门而入了。Open up, or I break in.

匪贼常常在半夜破门而入。Robbers often break in at midnight.

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上周家里被盗贼破门而入的就是那个人吗?It that man whose house was broken into by burglars last week?

锁好门窗,以免窃贼破门而入。Secure your doors and windows so that burglars cannot break in.

安德鲁的棚屋被破门而入,一些片子被偷了。“Andrew's hut was broken into and some film was stolen,” she said.

她的父母破门而入,看见汤姆拿着一支帚扫柄在追马莉。Her parents barged in and saw Tom chasing Mary with a broom handle.

九六年十二月,一个小镇的高尔夫俱乐部被贼破门而入。In December 1996, a burglar broke into a golf club in a small town.

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小偷破门而入,屋里几乎被洗劫一空。After the thief broke in, there was almost nothing left in the room.

盗贼正要破门而入时,警察出奇不意地把他抓住了。The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he broke into the house.

现场并没有破门而入的痕迹,调查者认为没有凶杀的可能。There were no signs of a break-in and investigators do not suspect foul play.

我室友上个周末在房间抽大麻被警察破门而入抓包。The cops busted into my room last weekend and caught my roommate smoking weed.

一周后,他开始腐烂的尸体才被那帮子破门而入的兄弟们发现。After a week his apartment was broken into, and his decomposing body was found.

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在银行关门后,一个男人破门而入想要偷银行的摄像机。A man broke into a bank when it was closed in order to steal their video camera.

破门而入,他们向葛拉斯韦瑞因的小房间方向开始了袭击。Breaking in, they made their way to Glasvryn's chambers and began their assault.

机遇只是敲敲门,而诱惑却常常破门而入。The trouble with opportunity is that it only knocks. Temptation kicks the door in.

暴动者从商店外破门而入,没过几分钟周围又恢复平静。Rioters broke in and entered the store. After several minutes, it returned to calm.

随后他破门而入,手中拿着一本书吼道我是一个预言家。And then he burst through the door holding a book and shouting that I was a prophet.

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救火员破门而入,从燃烧著的大楼里救出了孩子们。The firemen battered the door down and saved the children from the burning building.

突然,他听到声响,朝窗外张望,借着月光看到两个准备破门而入的家伙。He woke up to a sound and looking out the window saw in the moonlight two guys trying to break in.

多数夜贼都是伺机寻找容易的地儿破门而入,所以不要对他们麻弊大意。Most burglars are opportunists looking for an easy break-in , so don't make things simple for them.