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学得好了,也算是有一技之长。CCNA, learn well, also be have proficiency in a particular line.

以使学生通过学习能够真正学到一技之长。Enables the student to learn the professional skill truly through the study.

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后来,"一技之长"就用来形容一个人有一项特殊的本领。Later, people use it to describe anyone who has a special professional skill.

是无能者、孤儿和无一技之长之类人的天堂。It's a heaven for reptiles and orphans and people with no skills, what so ever?

产业界应积极雇用失业者,培训身无一技之长的人。Industry must actively seek to employ those without work, to train those who have no skills.

有一种人,抱着一技之长和一孔之见,再也没有进步。There are some people who, contented with a single skill or a peephole view, never make any.

由于完全依赖政府,今天的印第安男性身无一技之长。Today, Indian males have little function as they are completely dependent on the government.

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大多数明星都有一技之长,或在体育竞技上,或在艺术上。The majority of stars have the professional skill, either in sports athletics, either in art.

他们很多人学习了很多非常高端、复杂的东西,但实际上他们却没有一技之长。Many of them have learned a lot very sophisticated stuff. But in fact, they have no specific skills.

决定裁谁可能取决于你是喜欢有一技之长的,还是喜欢在今后多方面可能会有前途的球员。It might depend on what you prefer, one sure thing now or the prospect of more varied abilities later.

一个男人,可以不用才高八斗,学富五车,但是应该有自己的一技之长,无论怎样,你总要养家糊口。A man, can need not hits, being, but should have their own skill, no matter what, you must always bread-winner.

对有一技之长的罪犯,中国劳改机关鼓励他们发挥特长为社会作出贡献。Chinese reform-through-labour institutions encourage criminals who have special skills to contribute to society.

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如果你想有所成就、有一技之长,那你必须停止反复涉猎和尝试。If you want to get results and master something, you have to stop dabbling and jumping around from thing to thing.

另为外我相信我在计算机领域所学到的一些知识,能在公司的某些地方能发挥我的一技之长。Another outside of the computer field, I think I have acquired some knowledge, some local companies can play in my skills.

政府也拨款2千万令吉训练印裔青年,使他们可以学得一技之长和找到工作。The government has allocated 20 million ringgit to re-train and re-skill Indian youths so that they could be gainfully employed.

不论何时,企业都更愿意招请有社会经验和一技之长的人。Whenever, the company is willing to enrol the person that has social experience and proficiency in a particular line please more.

政府还要组织各种职业培训,让失地农民掌握一技之长,为将来就业做好准备。The Government also organized a variety of vocational training to enable peasants to master the skills to prepare for future employment.

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据说,当年中国人移民到伦敦,凭着一技之长,就把香酥鸭卖得红了起来。Accordingly, when Chinese migrate to London, they are trying survive by their own skills-cook, and it makes London Aromatic Duck become famous.

现在要想在这个社会上生存除自己要有一技之长,也要有机会,有了那些,还有要努力!Now in order to survive in this society, in addition to their own skill to have, but also have the opportunity, with those, there are efforts to!

有事业心,有一技之长,善于体贴,容易沟通,没有大男人主义,感情专一,对家庭有责任感。Enterprising, talented, considerate, easy communication, no great man's doctrine, the sentiment is single-minded, have sense of responsibility to family.