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他在27岁时步入了政界。He entered politics when he was 27.

史密斯先生是位政界老手。Mr. Smith is a warhorse in politics.

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埃亨是一个资深的政界人士。Bertie Ahern is a veteran politician.

他对这位政界人士有些影响。He has some leverage over the politician.

这对于我们政界的人来说很有益处。I think it helps all of us as politicians.

一张可爱的脸蛋不仅仅在政界吃的开。A lovely mug isn’t just useful in politics.

这些问题是英国政界的重大问题。Those are the big questions in UK politics.

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这是一条放之生物界及政界皆准的真理。That is as true in biology as it is in politics.

他的老板在政界还是颇有影响的。His boss was rather influential in the government circles.

不要涉足政界,那简直是自找麻烦。Do not get involved with politics. That'sborrowing trouble.

弥尔顿19年都活跃在政界。Milton had devoted nineteen years to the world of politics.

美国一些政界人士表达了他们对于马英九的支持。Some politicians in America are showing their support for Mr Ma.

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他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。His cartoons mercilessly lampoon the leading politician of the day.

为了进入美国,复星争取到了在政界人脉广泛的盟友的支持。To enter the U.S., Fosun enlisted politically well-connected allies.

昌比希铜矿的骚乱很快蔓延至赞比亚政界。The turmoil at the Chambishi mine quickly bled into Zambian politics.

细川宣布辞职,羽田少数派政权正式成立是日本政界改组的第二幕。Its second act was the establishment of the Hata's minority government.

每个人都受到魔鬼的诱惑??政界、商界、体育界,每个人。The devil tempts everyone -- people in politics, in economics, in sport.

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第二个原因则是政界精英顽固的妄想。The stubborn delusions of the political elite provide the second reason.

成为民权法律师后,江步入了政界。Chiang jumped into politics after deciding to be a civil rights attorney.

从1992年开始,她就是美国政界的偶像人物了,时间很久了。She has been an icon in American politics since 1992. That is a long time.