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他朝着勤务兵的脸野蛮地踹了一脚。He launched a brutal kick in batman's face.

每个将军都配有一个勤务兵。Every general was accompanied by an orderly.

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新兵一到就应该到勤务兵房间报到。On arrival, new recruits should report to the orderly room.

勤务兵打着了火①,谢尔比宁在摸烛台。The orderly struck a light, Shtcherbinin felt for a candlestick.

但是没有想到,三毛进军队后做了连长的勤务兵。But Sanmao served unexpectedly in the army as an orderly for his company officer.

他气昂昂来到管娱乐室那个勤务兵住的小帐篷里,给了他一顿熊。He stalked over to the pup tent of the recreation tent orderly and bawled him out.

反抗军中不见有任何士兵,一些人成了医院的勤务兵,一些人则成了狙击手.没有人受过任何训练.「但我每天都有进步.」Some people became hospital orderlies, others snipers. And no one received any training.

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随行的有医生,公爵的随从和马夫及两名勤务兵。The doctor, the prince's valet, and coachman , and two orderlies were in charge of them.

一看到伯爵,管家向军官和勤务兵作了一个明显而严厉的手势,要他俩走开。The butler, seeing his master, made a significant and peremptory sign to them both to retire.

“呸,见鬼去吧。”可以听见被勤务兵和仆役们的哈哈大笑声掩盖的说话声。"Pooh, go to the devil, do, " he heard the cook's voice, smothered in the laughter of the servants.

看到这些,我马上吩咐勤务兵到附近的朋友家去借一管猎象步枪。As soon as I saw the dead man I sent an orderly to a friend's house nearby to borrow an elephant rifle.

灯火管制开始不久,一个勤务兵顺着列车车身走着,他弄出的嘎拉嘎拉响声惊动了我们。Shortly after blackout we were disturbed by an orderly making his way down the length of train with a rattle.

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灯火管制开始了不久,一个勤务兵闷闷不乐地顺着列车车身走着,他出的嘎啦嘎啦的声惊动了我们。Shortly after blackout we were disturbed by an orderly making his way lugubriously down the length of train with a rattle.

其中有二辆已经打散,一个勤务兵托着他的军官正往车上爬。Two of them had been uncorded, and on to one of these the wounded officer was clambering with the assistance of his orderly.

他为了奉迎想将他任命为勤务兵的蒋介石,举报他的军校学员同僚们思想不纯。To ingratiate himself with Chiang, who wanted to use him as a batman, he reported on the ideological purity of his fellow cadets.

保卢斯的勤务兵现在不在了,因此他可以盖着两条毛毯,赤裸着躺在床上睡觉。Paulus orderly was still absent, so Field Marshal removed cover from the bed, put his own two blankets on top, undressed and laid down.

反抗军中不见有任何士兵,一些人成了医院的勤务兵,一些人则成了狙击手.没有人受过任何训练.There are no soldiers to be found among the rebels. Some people became hospital orderlies, others snipers. And no one received any training.

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反抗军中不见有任何士兵,一些人成了医院的勤务兵,一些人则成了狙击手。没有人受过任何训练。There are no soldiers to be found among the rebels. Some people became hospital orderlies, others snipers. And no one received any training.

在无计划地占用山林农田建造厂房的地震灾区,在一些大的城镇,许多学校的建立一定程度上依赖于勤务兵和许多居住在帐篷里面的难民。In the sprawling quake zone, more schools reopened in the fairly orderly and teeming tented refugee camps in some of the larger towns and cities.

一个退休四星级将军在曼哈顿一个酒吧偶然地遇到了他以前勤务兵,勤务兵也退休在家。A retired four-star general ran into his former orderly, also retired, in a Manhattan bar and spent the rest of the evening persuading him to come work for him as his valet.