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球风和效率。Style and efficiency.

就可以算出效率。That's the efficiency.

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我需要讲究效率。I needed to be effcient.

为什么他工作效率如此之快?How does it work so fast?

只需1步,这就是效率。Well here is the power-- 1.

企业效率酌量。Business Efficiency Researc.

因为它效率较低。Alright, so it's inefficient.

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他说,“他们办事效率都倍儿高!”They are just super efficient!

生手易于学会,效率约为3-6人工作能量。About 3-6 times of labor power.

第四,要创造效率。Fourth, to generate efficiency.

王总是一个心地善良,很讲效率的人。He is a kind and efficient man.

提高我们工作的能力和效率。However , Luckly I get the job.

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他工作效率之高让我惊诧。I was amazed at his efficiency.

改善IQC的工作效率。Improve IQC working efficiency.

努力提高你的工作效率。Try to increase your efficiency.

可以计算出效率。We can figure out the efficiency.

因此,效率是一种妄想。Efficiency is therefore a chimera.

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那么,我们如何衡量工作效率呢?So, how do we measure productivity?

这样做是为了提高效率。This is done to improve efficiency.

此外,它还有良好的空间效率。Additionally it is memory-efficient.