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坏事传千年。A bad thing neer dies.

坏事遗臭万年。A bad thing never dies.

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好事过头反成坏事。Too much of a good thing.

所以,死亡怎么会是坏事呢?So how could death be bad?

但精力耗尽是件坏事么?But is burnout a bad thing?

猫咪从来不做任何坏事。Pussycat never did any harm.

媒体规模大并不一定是坏事。Largeness as such is not bad.

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对我儿子来说,这也不完全是件坏事。As for my son, it’s not all bad.

坏事减少并不等于好事增多。Eing less bad is not bEIng good.

干坏事的人怕见光明。He that does ill hates the light.

我认为那个女孩什么坏事都干得出来。I'd believe anything of that girl!

他们没有出现是一件坏事么?Is their nonexistence a bad thing?

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他会因为干坏事得到报应的。He will get paid for his evildoing.

孩子做的坏事使她妈的心伤透了。Her son's disgrace broke her heart.

生活中,好事和坏事你都要面对。You have to take the good with bad.

他被告诫不要干坏事。He was admonished against doing wrong.

好事不做,坏事做绝。He who does no good, does evil enough.

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他干的种种坏事使他自食其果。His ill doings redounded upon himself.

分心永远都是坏事吗?Is distractability always a bad thing?

约翰是一个很危险而且经常坏事的人。John is a bit of a dangerous blunderer.