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大腹便便是可以遗传的吗?Is belly fat inherited?

那位孕妇大腹便便。The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.

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那个大腹便便的家伙既贪婪又残恶。That big-bellied fellow was very cruel and greedy.

他是个大腹便便的胖子,长着皱纹的脸很和善。He was a heavy man, paunchy, with a lined, kind face.

这位身材矮小、大腹便便的壮年人婚姻十分美满。The short, potbellied little man was happily married.

他们都吃得非常好,大腹便便,双手也很娇嫩。They were all rather well fed, with big tummies and delicate hands.

你将绝对不会在电视上看见很多大腹便便、秃顶、衰老的男人。You certainly wouldn’t see many paunchy, balding, older guys on TV.

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下面你将看到一些有趣的照片处理作品,它们展示了“大腹便便”的动物们。Below you can see some funny photo manipulations showing obese animals.

留下的只是大腹便便的你,而你没有动力去减掉它。What's left is a pudgy belly that you do not have the motivation to lose.

想不通为什么脑满肠肥、大腹便便的美国消费者总想通过战争解决一切争端。Why is it that obese US Consumers consider war as an answer to everything?

研究员们发现痴呆症在那些大腹便便的人中更常见。The researchers found that dementia was more common in those with wider bellies.

日前记者捕捉到袁泉怀孕后的“孕味照”。虽然镜头中的袁泉大腹便便,但一脸幸福表情。Although the lens of the Yuan Quan potbellied, but the look of a happy expression.

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就算有一天你变成了一个大腹便便、头发都掉光了的人,我也依然爱你。Even if one day you become a paunchy, hair fall out of people, and I still love you.

一个13岁的女孩儿用黏土称作了一个只能用“大腹便便”来形容的女性。One girl aged 13, used clay to create a woman that could only be described as portly.

因为晚上应酬多,才30出头的他已经显得大腹便便。As more entertainment in the evening before their early 30's, he appears to have potbellied.

前排的那些大腹便便的绅士们开始觉得她是一个可人的小东西。The portly gentlemen in the front rows began to feel that she was a delicious little morsel.

若干年后我也不会在高级网球巡回赛看见一个大腹便便令人反感的他。I won't see a seedier, paunchy version of him on the senior tennis circuit a few years from now.

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大腹便便,中年男人还可以用“富态”遮羞,女人呢?Potbellied , middleaged man still can be used " rich voice " cover up a scandal, where is woman?

我可以预见多年以后,他也不会变成一个大腹便便,…的高级网球员。I won't see a seedier , paunchy version of him on the senior tennis circuit a few years from now.

新警官大腹便便,这是一个好兆头,说明他很可能接受贿赂。The new Sergeant had an overflowing belly, which was a good sign. He was likely to be a bribe-taker.