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在学校,我是我们小集团中唯一的女孩。I'm the only girl in my school group.

“四人帮”是个野心勃勃的政治小集团。"The gang of four" was an ambitious political Clique.

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这些小国家是欧盟中的一个重要小集团。These small nations constitute an important grouping within the EU.

根据奥尔森的理论,小集团比大集团有力量。According to Mancur Olson"s, small groups are more powerful than big groups."

与非战斗人员以及小集团的成员的交流是成功的根本。Communication with non combatants and members of factions present in the area are essential for success.

通过对小集团教学模式理论的探索研究,建立了速滑小集团教学模式。On the research basis of small-group education mode, a small-group education mode in speed skating is founded.

陆军部和海军部各自积累了不断增长的威望,这种威望培育了小集团主义精神。The War and Navy departments each accumulated growing prestige which fostered the spirit of the old school tie.

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这个极左小集团试图通过走民主程序的捷径,设法挤进有影响的机构。The faction from the extreme left is trying to elbow its way into power by short-cutting the democratic process.

在这项犯罪产业中,专业人士已近构成了某些小集团,他们负责伪造网站或协调其他低水平的同犯。Specialists emerged to occupy niches in the industry, designing fake websites or coordinating low-level confederates.

大量粒子凝聚时先是各自凝聚成小集团,然后再合并成大集团。Numerous inclusion particles aggregate to form smaller clusters firstly, and then they come together into large agglomerates.

这就是为什么说生活在一个小集团里有信徒能够担负起责任并给你建议的重要性所在。That is why it is so important to be in a small group with fellow believers who can hold you accountable and give you advice.

如今米兰还领先着2分,至少在四强小集团中,如今最让人担心的已不再是米兰。Milan is also being now in the lead 2 points, in four strong cliques , most lets the human worry now no longer is Milan at least.

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可不久四个人固执己见的个格致使罗斯福时代的“竞争团队”土崩瓦解,沦为相互争吵的小集团。Soon, however, strong-willed personalities asserted themselves, and this FDR-era "Team of Rivals" dissolved into a bickering bunch.

尽管西方的超现代小集团所擦伤,婚姻的正面形象仍然存在,只不过它的内在正无时无刻地被淘空。Despite the scratches by the ultra-modern faction of the West, Marriage's facade still lives, but its interior is being hollowed each moment.

“一个小集团越来越富有,而我们其他人只能眼巴巴地看着,”的黎波里商业咨询网站knowlibya.net的首席执行官萨米•扎普提亚说。"A small group got richer and richer, while the rest of us watched, " says Sami Zaptia, CEO of the Tripoli business consultancy

一个专业致力于这个小集团吞了我们以使其更加难以执行任何形式的第一和你联络。A special branch of this cabal is dedicated to shooing us away by making it ever more difficult to carry out any form of first contact with you.

可是在我那个世界的历史中,有着最黑暗的几个篇章,某些小集团为了满足私欲,而牺牲了一大部分人的利益。But some of the darkest chapters in the history of my world involve the forced relocation of a small group of people to satisfy the demands of a large one.

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这类坏女孩的小集团在高校电影中是不容缺少且非常值得一看的部分。Reigned by a beautiful but conniving queen bee with a couple of yes-girls at her side, the mean-girl clique is an essential part of any high school movie worth watching.

支持仍保持原来的小圈子的人认为,在国家间一对一的政策分歧发生时,原来小集团内各成员国之间的友谊将对解决摩擦起到重要作用。Proponents of the smaller group say the friendships it fosters are important when friction arises in the group or outside it in one-on-one policy disputes between nations.

这个小集团的一些成员已与两名据称对人民的忧虑感同身受的将军会面,两位将军承诺会尽快过渡到民主政府,但是有关与此的细节则少之又少。Members of this group met with two generals, reported to be sympathetic to their concerns, who promised a swift transition to civilian government though provided few details.