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我不假思索地脱口而出。I blurted out unthinkingly.

我还是没有脱口而出…I don't have enough ablities.

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脱口而出是我们唯一的目标。Blurting out is our No. 1goal.

最后,我的名字脱口而出。Finally I blurted my name out.

脱口而出是我们的唯一坚定目标。Blurting out is our No. 1 goal.

深感抱歉对一些脱口而出的话。Sorry for the words blurting out.

你能不假思索的脱口而出吗?Can you answer without hesitation?

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是那么容易脱口而出的一句话。Blurted out the sentence is so easy.

学英语就是苦练脱口而出!Blurted out to learn English is hard!

脱口秀就是脱口而出的艺术!Talk Show is the art of blurting out!

语言就是脱口而出的艺术!Language is the art of the blurting out!

每一天,我都在脱口而出更多的句子。Every day I am blurting out more sentences.

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理由总是不断脱口而出。The excuses pop out of their mouth non-stop.

整个想法是由一句脱口而出的话演变而来的。The whole idea evolved from a casual remark.

一天,琳达突然脱口而出,“泰碧这个名字怎么样?”One day, Linda blurted out,“What about Tybee?

只有脱口而出才算真正“学到东西”!You can really learn something by blurting out!

小学生也能脱口而出高考题!Even primary students can blurt out Gaokao sentences!

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“旺达,”我脱口而出。“我们俩必须谈一谈。”"Wanda, "I blurted out . "We've got to talk about it.

我恨肝脏和奶酪,“脱口而出的金毛寻回犬。HATE liver and cheese, " blurts the Golden Retriever."

“我们做得非常好”另一个西方行政管理人员脱口而出。“We're doing great!” gushes another Western executive.