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樵夫是做什么的呀?。What does a woodcutter do?

吃的是像一个樵夫。And he ate like a lumberjack.

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樵夫砍倒了那棵树。The woodcutter felled the tree.

当地的樵夫来警告你一下。Just a local woodsman here to warn you.

门马上打开了,一位樵夫走了出来。The door opened and out came a woodsman.

那个樵夫到底是从哪儿冒出来的!Where the hell did the woodsman come from?

第一个樵夫看到第一棵树,说,这树真漂亮,恰好是我想要的。With a swoop of his ax, the first tree fell.

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有一位樵夫和家人住在一座森林里。A woodcutter and his family live in a forest.

这让我想到了两个樵夫的故事。It reminds me of the story of two woodcutters.

一位贫穷的樵夫正在砍一块大木头。A poor woodman was cutting a big piece of wood.

我不会伤害这棵树了,樵夫和气的说。I won't hurt the tree, said the woodman kindly.

老先生做的是一般认为较适合男性的工作-当一名樵夫。The man did work that was thought to be manlier.

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樵夫背着柴火下山了。The woodsman carried the firewood down the hill.

最后一部分的气候的樵夫的三部曲。The climatic final part of the Woodman's trilogy.

森林里居住着一个樵夫和一个啄木鸟。A woodcutter and a woodpecker lived in the forest.

其实这个樵夫是后来加进故事的。Well, the woodsman was a later addition to the tale.

樵夫用斧头向大树乞求斧柄。The woodcutter's axe bagged for its handle from the tree.

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樵夫的斧头,问树要斧柄。The woodcutter“s axe begged for its handle from the tree.

樵夫对于孩子们的归来感到高兴万分。The woodcutter was overjoyed that his children had returned.

伯牙一看,只见一个樵夫站在岸边。Bo Ya looked, and saw a woodcutter standing on the riverside.