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发舞乎清风。Hair blows in the wind.

他吹起一阵清风。He sent a gentle breeze.

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明月清风寄相思!Send Acacia moon breeze!

某日下午,阳光明媚,清风拂面。One bright and breezy afternoon.

我爱清风、风雹和大海。I love waves, and winds, and storms.

清风徐来。A refreshing breeze is blowing gently.

我不愿放弃清风和明月。I won't forsake the wind and the moon.

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一阵清风从窗口吹来。A cool breeze came in through the window.

看着清风吹拂她的鬃毛和尾须and watch the wind blow her mane and tail

八月的下午,一阵微醺的清风拂过。A sweet wind blew in the August afternoon.

让清风对我吟唱你芳名。And the wind will whisper your name to me.

和山间的清风与淙淙流泉。With mountain winds, and babbling springs.

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清风不解语,怎知风光恋。How do the wind not title, know love scenery.

清风不识字,何必乱翻书?Why should you turn over the pages of my book?

这里,清风送爽,绿意更浓。Here, cooling with wind, shadowing with greenery.

但我还得深吸一口清风,只得暂存清新的爱语。I take a deep inhale, depressed at the freshness.

弄一袖清风,遮住芸生俗艳,我与繁花落地沉冢。A sleeve cover, wind, born loud, I and Paris sink.

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看红尘,你是青丝飘飘,舞动清风。Look at the Red, you Jingsi Music, dancing cool breeze.

今晚,当第一缕清风悄悄潜入时,但愿我还未入眠。I hope I'm awake tonight when the first breeze sneaks in.

Geremek知道,历史的清风,会荡涤余下的一切。The winds of history, Mr Geremek knew, would do the rest.