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在她易碎的椎骨上轻轻摇晃。Oscillates gently on her fragile vertebrae.

成骨细胞瘤恰是椎骨上的大骨样骨瘤。An osteoblastoma is just a big osteoid osteoma in the vertebra.

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因为脊椎由29块椎骨和一块尾骨组成。Well, the spine is made of twenty-nine vertebrae and the tailbone.

在那次袭击中她脸部擦伤,椎骨破裂。She suffered facial bruising and a fractured vertebra in the attack.

我的曾外婆由于椎骨疏松,驼背得很厉害,背部弯得几乎跟地面平行。My great-grandmother was bent nearly horizontal from collapsed vertebrae.

软磁碟充满椎骨之间的果冻状物质契合。Soft disks filled with a jelly-like material fit between these vertebrae.

年轻的胴体在胸椎骨上有软骨盖。Youthful carcasses will have cartilaginous caps on the thoracic vertebrae.

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脊柱,椎骨脊突带尖刺的部位或结构,如脊椎动物的。A sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra.

大部分患者都得接受椎板切除术或腰椎间盘摘除术以移除损坏的椎骨和椎板。Almost as many undergolaminectomies or diskectomies to remove damaged vertebrae and disks.

腰椎骨表明软骨或至少在顶端有红线出现。The lumbar vertebrae will show evidence of cartilage or at least as red line present on the tips.

科学家们还发现了保存完好的椎骨以及一个完整的肋骨。The scientists also found well preserved vertebrae from the creature as well as a complete rib bone.

隐性脊柱裂是最轻的一型,可能会涉及一个或多个椎骨的畸形。Spina bifida occulta is the mildest and most common form in which one or more vertebrae are malformed.

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雷奈酸锶可降低椎骨以及非椎骨新发骨折的危险性。The treatment with strontium ranelate reduces the risk of new fracture in vertebral and non-vertebral.

该人胚每一巩节尾侧致密细胞群与相邻节颅侧份疏松细胞群融合成椎骨雏形。These cells were arranged with cephalic loose and caudal dense alternately between the adjacent somites.

目的调查葡糖胺对慢性腰背痛和退行性腰椎骨关节炎病人的治疗效果。Objective To investigate the effect of glucosamine in patients with chronic LBP and degenerative lumbar OA.

椎骨明显的骨质疏松症,可见骨小梁薄弱甚至丧失。The bone in these vertebral bodies demonstrates marked osteoporosis with thinning and loss of bony trabeculae.

我的母亲尽其所能,希望避免这种家族的诅咒,但不幸的是,她也饱受椎骨疏松的痛楚。My mother did everything she could to avoid the family curse, but she also suffered painful collapsed vertebrae.

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最明显的改变是第13条肋骨的缺失或发育不全,及下游脊柱附加椎骨的出现。The most obvious changes was a missing or rudimentary 13th rib and an additional vertebra in the lower backbone.

椎体扩张球囊成形术是一种门诊手术,专门针对由骨质疏松引起的椎骨断裂的患者,在手术过程中,医生将针管插入脊柱并扩张球囊,然后放入骨水泥将脊骨粘合。The doctor inserts a needle into the spine and inflates a balloon, theninjects a cement, gluing the bones together.

融合的椎骨感觉是一种并发症,由于炎症的周围神经。The fusion of the vertebrae paresthesia is a complication due to the inflammation of the tissue surrounding nerves.