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西院病孀妇,后床孤侄儿。West Court disease widow, nephew after bed alone.

这位孀妇拥有这幢大楼及其周围的地产。The widow owns this building and its surrounding lands.

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出于对她丈夫的尊敬,我们拜访了,这位孀妇。We waited upon the widow out of respect for her husband.

在当风的窗口,孀妇发现有条盲眼蛇在游动。At the windy window, the widow finds a blind snake winding.

按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的孀妇应该使之再婚,或予以掩埋,否则就关进女修道院里去。The Spaniard have it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent.

她们以一种男人和孀妇无法领悟的语言在彼此间飞快地传递着慰藉与心意。And between them swiftly passes comfort and meaning in a language that man and widows wot not of.

潘和博士之间这种无声的仇恨一直使那位孀妇感到不安,以致她对波特曼也尽量回避。The tacit feud between Pen and the Doctor made the widow nervous, so that she too avoided Portman.

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孀妇往往不能担任财富,没有土地保有权,不能就业,甚至没有保留的手段。Far too often, widows lack access to inheritance, land tenure, employment and even the means to survive.

虽然孀妇面临良多坚苦,但良多人依然对国家和社区作出了珍贵进献。Despite the many difficulties widows face, many make valuable contributions to their countries and communities.

衰亡是不成避免的,但我们可以提高孀妇的地位,在她们最需要辅佐的时刻辅佐她们,减轻她们的疾苦。Death is inevitable, but we can reduce the suffering that widows endure by raising their status and helping them in their hour of need.

我们必需认可孀妇的主要进献,我们必需确保她们享有她们应得的权力和社会保障。We must recognize the important contribution of widows, and we must ensure that they enjoy the rights and social protections they deserve.

“男尊女卑”与儒家“孝”的文化逻辑,以及“长幼有序”的礼教观存在着的矛盾与冲突,使得孀妇脆弱性与独立性共存。" A woman is vulgar" conflicts with the cultural logic of the Confucianism" filial piety" and the social morals view of "respect for seniority".

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他为那些靠擦鞋谋生的孩子们鞋油,为带着正在接受多轮脊髓外科手术女儿的孀妇支付房租。He buys shoe polish for boys who support themselves by shining shoes. He pays the rent for a widow whose daughter is undergoing multiple spine surgeries.

那些嫁给有钱人的女性娶亲时候更早,不过丈夫的年数相对较大,这意味着家庭人数更多,可是成为孀妇的几率也增添了。Those that wed wealthy husbands were married at a younger age but to relatively older men, meaning family sizes were bigger but with an increased risk of widowhood.

她是一个靠投资来支付生活的所需,如按揭,医疗保险的孀妇,正无奈地盘算着生活将要面临的变故。A widow who depends on her investments to pay necessities such as the mortgage and health insurance, she was being forced to contemplate a major change of lifestyle.

指出她们虽然一个是心如“槁木死灰”的年轻孀妇,一个是“宿孽总因情”的风流女子,但她们却有着相同的悲剧命运。Widowed Li Wan is simple, weak and in a state of complete apathy. Qin Keqing on the other hand is unscruplous, loose and amorous. Yet they both have the same tragic fate.