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他们可能会主诉腹泻或腹痛。They may complain of diarrhea or bellyache.

这是我的结局适宜,我的最后腹痛与请。This is my final fit, my final bellyache with.

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这种草药汤对你的腹痛有特效。The herb soup is specific for your stomachache.

这水质不一样,使我喝了腹痛。The difference of water makes me feel bellyache.

婴儿急腹痛干预措施的有效性。The effectiveness of Interventions for Infant Colic.

这是我的结局适宜,我的最后腹痛与请。This is my final fit, My final bellyache with please.

如果腹痛服用硫酸亚铁和布洛芬。Ferrous sulfate and ibuprofen are prescribed for pain.

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她从来没有吐奶和腹痛。She has not once spit, vomit or neither suffer colics.

伤风感冒又腹痛,生姜上场来做粥。Common cold has abdominal pain, ginger play do porridge.

病人服药后腹痛遂止。The patient's stomachache stopped after he took the medicine.

胆结石可引起腹痛、呕吐、炎症和感染。Gallstones can cause pain, vomiting, inflammation and infection.

缓解IBS的腹痛、腹部不适、胃气胀和便秘。It can release abdominal pain & unwell, bloating and constipation.

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我到底怎么了,没有腹痛,但我有中度宫颈糜烂。How in the end I had no pain, but I have moderate cervical erosion.

但再三至四日后病人出现腹痛,发烧,畏冷之症状。Abdominal swelling or pain and jaundice are the presenting symptoms.

适用于肠炎或痢疾引起的腹痛、腹泻。Apply to enteritis or dysentery caused by abdominal pain, diarrhoea.

有的甚至有腹痛、下肢疼痛。Some even had abdominal pain, legs pain, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.

腹痛、消瘦、贫血、黑便症状基本得到控制。Abdominal pain , emaciation , anaemia and tarry stool were under control.

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临床以不规则发热、贫血、腹痛、腹部肿块为主要表现。Its clinic feature was irregular fever, anemia, mass and pain in abdomen.

结果黑便和腹痛是本组患者的主要临床症状。Results Melena and abdominal pain was the most common presenting symptom.

当你咳嗽、大笑、以及做一些其他动作时,可能会感到腹痛。You may feel abdominal pain when you cough, laugh or make other movements.