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但是它们很重要。But it matters.

在某种意义上说,不重要。In one sense, no.

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你对我很重要。You matter to me.

这不重要,跳过Forget it, anyway.

因为它很重要。Because it matters.

这是很重要的。This is the biggie.

伽利略是个重要的人物。Galileo's important.

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因此说领导力非常重要So this matters a lot.

那我呢?岂非我就一点不重要吗?What bout me? I'm not?

这是一个重要更新。This is a major update.

我不会念经,还是你比较重要,小和尚。Let me go, don't say no.

记住网址非常重要。That's really important.

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解析为什么重要?Why does parsing matter?

吼声非常重要。A roar is very important.

那确实对你非常重要。It really matters to you.

这种奇怪之处十分重要。Its oddness is important.

保持身材非常重要!Keeping fit is important.

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极性并不重要。Polarity isn't important.

安全更重要。Safety is more important.

食物多样性很重要The variety is important.