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我可不想结婚—结婚就象是签了卖身契。I don't want to marry. married seem to sign the contract of selling myself.

由于欠地主家的钱,她不得已签了卖身契。She had to sign an indenture to sell herself, because she owed money to the landlord.

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肇庆探望老锡工,说要买回他的卖身契,送他回唐山。Zhaoqing visit old tin work, say to want to buy back his'll, send him back to the tangshan.

他的劳动力中包括五千名签了卖身契的中国工人,人称“苦力”,与奴隶只差一小步而已。Hisworkforce included 5, 000 indentured Chinese workers known as coolies, one stepshy of slaves.

三个士兵为了活命和魔鬼签订了卖身契,七年到期后他们就会变成魔鬼的财产。Three soldiers signed an agreement with the devil. They would become property of the devil after 7 years.

我告诉你,他欠了村子里面这么多钱,还签了张卖身契,你以为他跑得掉啊?I tell you that he owned too much to our village, and signed on the paper. Do you think it is easy for him to go?

运气不好的,尤其年纪大些、没有人家要收养的,最后可能沦为娼妓或卖身契约工。The unlucky ones, especially older children, who are not in demand by families, can end up as prostitutes or indentured laborers.

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可你还来骂我,我还有让你骂的义务吗,你当我跟你签了卖身契啊。Can you return to scold me, I still have already let you the obligation for scold, you be me heel your label sell the body contract.

有一个好东西要给你,这个是今天下午我跟英雄,我们在玩21点,英雄输了,就把你的卖身契还有身份证全交给我了。I have a good thing to give you. This afternoon, hero and i played together, and he lost, and give your indenture and identity card to me.

如果你真愿意忍受诸多不便,为了当一个合格的老师而去签订卖身契的话,你会发现找到一份教书的工作还算挺容易的。If you are willing to put up with lots of inconveniences and to sell yourself as a capable teacher, then finding a teaching job is really easy.

这些年,国内对他的报道屈指可数,这都是因为在十几年前的一纸“卖身契”。“For the years there have been few stories on him in the domestic media, all because of an indenture he signed to "sell himself" more than a decade ago.

海黛依旧很镇定,但这宁静却比别人的愤怒更可怕,她把那张用阿拉伯文写的卖身契交给主席。Haidée, still calm, but with a calmness more dreadful than the anger of another would have been, handed to the president the record of her sale, written in Arabic.