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你是否时时心存爱意?Are you doing it in love?

和智者生活,时时勤于思索。With the wise Man Living'sThinking.

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这个国家的人时时处处都忘不了吃。Food is an obsession in this country.

她时时有一种不祥的预感。She often has an ominous presentiment.

我不愿时时落泪。I don’t want often to shed tears over that.

时时注意安全,处处清除火患!Always safety first, clear fires everywhere!

这样的案例时时有发生的。I take it cases like this actually do occur.

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烦恼就象灰尘,要时时勤拂拭。Afflictions are like dirt that needs cleaning.

我们能时时、事事成功吗?Can we succeed in everything we do all the time?

所以我们要时时照顾好我们这一念心。So we should always take good care of our minds.

要保持剑的锋利就得时时磨拭,要保持头脑灵光就得看书。A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.

冒一次险,胜过时时提心吊胆。Better pass a danger once, than be always in fear.

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病痛使她时时颦蹙双眉。She always knits her brows because of the ailment.

这样的活动能够让你和朋友保持联系,并且时时回顾自己的青春岁月。They connect you with your friends and your youth.

可以限制时时的并发用户。Usage is limited by the number of real-time users.

我们去哪吃饭,薄饼屋还是时时乐自助?So where we going, House of pancakes or The Sizzler?

啮咬的良心让记忆时时在痛楚中醒着。A gnawing conscience keeps the memory terribly alert.

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伟大的技术时时会有,而我们则像神仙一样快乐地享受生活。Great technology, today as always, renders us as gods.

但是对的,我们不可能时时都讲真话。But you are right we can't tell the truth all the time.

这些事情就发生在我们的周围,并时时处处影响着我们。All this happened close to us and we’ve all been affected.