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他看上去怅然若失。He has a wistful look.

发现这一点后,他不免有些怅然若失。Then he noticed a single white feather had fallen from it.

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好书读到最后一页,有如失去个朋友,怅然若失的感觉。Great books read to the last page is like losing a friend,.

一个孩子以怅然若失的目光望著橱窗中的玩具。A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the window.

对于馆长的死,兰登禁不住有一种怅然若失的感受。Langdon could not help but feel a deep sense of loss at the curator's death.

我只见过他几面,却觉得心中怅然若失悲伤不已。I've only met him several times, but right now I feel this big empty hole in my heart.

有许多人无缘无故地兴高采烈或是怅然若失,她却未容有过这种感觉。She felt none of those ups and downs of spirit which beset to many people without cause.

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我又一次想到了他们的家庭圈子,我自以为已经习以为常的那种怅然若失的刺痛感又袭上心头。I thought again of their family circle and felt the sharp ache of emptiness I thought I had grown accustomed to.

河边担任戒备的半仙在本人甘美的梦中醒来,看着照旧对本人不冷不淡的玉芬怅然若失。The river as BanXian alert in I awoke, watching the luscious earth to oneself not cold not weak YuFen a sense of loss.

是以,当一个伴侣抉择断开这种联系时,一小我将无法不像失踪去一个爱人怅然若失踪。Therefore, when a friend decides to break off this connection, one can't help but feel the loss as they would a lover.

在睡梦中梦见参加宴会大吃大喝好不愉快,突然之间由梦中惊醒,此时常有懊恼怅然若失的感觉。Ingurgitation in banquet in dream is very happy. Sudden wakening up from dream makes you feel something lost and regretful.

车启动时,我摁着怦怦跳动的心,透过车窗玻璃看见那三口人还怅然若失地站在车下。Car starts, I pressed the beating heart, through the window to see that three people are disappointed if standing under the car.

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我感到有些怅然若失,她的卧室里寂静无声,异乎寻常地整齐,摆着各色各样的纪念品,都属于过去了的童年时代。Her bedroom haunted me with its silence, its unaccustomed tidiness, with the odd souvenirs form a childhood that was now history.

在睡梦中梦见参加宴会大吃大喝好不愉快,突然之间由梦中惊醒,此时常有懊恼怅然若失的感觉。Ingurgitation in a banquet in dream is very happy. Sudden wakening up from the dream makes you feel something lost and regretful.

就在欢喜望着这片废墟怅然若失时,有人在身后拍了拍她肩膀,她转回头一看,是杜军以前的房东太太。In the joy of watching the ruins disappointed if lost, someone patted her shoulder, she turned a look back, is Du Jun's previous landlady.

我清了清嗓子,站起来,在抽屉里翻找到一包我早上因没有了酒而怅然若失时藏起来的一包骆驼烟。I cleared my throat. I got up, rummaged through a drawer of old washers, and found a pack of Camels I'd stashed for mornings when I felt lost without bourbon.

不过在我心灰意懒,怅然若失之际,我便轻轻打开衣橱的门,在那精彩纷呈的里面,就藏着米歇尔•德•蒙田的披风,还微微地散发出樟脑的气息呢。But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden behind everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel de Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.