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为了基督!For Christs sake!

以耶稣基督的名求。In Jesus' name, I pray.

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奉耶稣基督的名求。Because of Jesus we pray.

耶稣基督是左派吗?Was Jesus Christ a lefty?

基督喜欢钉死我。Jesus loves crucifying me.

他们变成了基督化的。They became christianized.

然后基督医治了瘫子。Then Christ healed the man.

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我们的祷告是奉耶稣基督的名求。We pray this in Jesus name.

他们是基督的仆人吗?Are they servants of Christ?

那么就转舵向基督山。Then steer FOR Monte Cristo.

他们是基督的仆人吗。Are they ministers of Christ?

基督是我们至高独一的裁判。Christ is our ultimate Judge.

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这叫做基督再临。This was called the parousia.

何等的导管——“基督耶稣”!What a channel--"Christ Jesus!"

他关于基督的教义是什么?What is his doctrine of Christ?

因此基督传扬福音。Thus Christ preached the Gospel.

基督屠宰者的口味。the taste of Christian butchers.

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以基督之名祷告,愿同样施恩于我的家人。Care for my family just the same.

基督是赐生命的灵。Christ is the life-giving Spirit.

耶稣基督降生下土。Jesus my Lord came down to earth.