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青州市博物馆是一座综合性地志博物馆,成立于1959年。Qingzhou Municipal Museum is a comprehensive museum of topography, was founded in 1959.

地志是一个理论和数学上的问题以三度空间的物件建立。It is a theoretical and mathematical problem to establish topology for three-dimensional objects.

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美国地志调查局登出了一张地图和数据,表明了接到地震报道的地点。The US Geological Survey published a map and statistics showing from where reports of the tremor were received.

介绍了海区兵要地志信息系统的组成及功能,以及系统设计的关键点。In this paper, the component and functions of the digital military topology information system, as well as its design keypoint are introduced.

辽沈战役纪念馆成立于1959年1月,其前身是辽宁省地志博物馆筹备处锦州办事处。Liaoshen Campaign Memorial was established in January 1959. Its predecessor was Jinzhou agency of preparation office of Liaoning topology museum.

菩提种子在四川生根发芽,也持续向前行。慢慢地,也在这里看到当地志工美善的身影。The momentum of human compassion and mutual help in Sichuan is steadily moving forward. Step by step, local volunteers are slowly making progress.

深圳博物馆建于1981年,是一座以地志性为主的综合型博物馆,是深圳文物收藏、展览和地方史研究中心。Shenzhen Museum built in 1981 is a comprehensive museum majoring in local history, it is also the center of cultural relics collection, exhibition and research of local history.

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传统的纸质兵要地志形式单一,更新困难,生产周期长,无法满足现代化战争的要求。Conventional paper military geographic documentations are single in form, difficult in renewal and time consuming hi producing, so they can not fulfill the demands of modem battles.

地理,古代的地志,包括宫殿、总志、方志、河渠、边防、山川、古迹、杂记、游记、外记等方面。Geography, ancient topography, including the palace, with a total Zhi Fang, canals, and border guards, mountains and rivers, monuments, miscellaneous notes, travel notes, Geki and so on.

这是贾帕加利一九七六年至一九七九年间创作的五幅大型油画之一,画中融合仪式地画与地志图,描述他西澳沙漠的祖先故土。It is one of five large canvases made by Tjapaltjarri between 1976 and 1979 in which he combined ceremonial ground paintings and topographical maps to depict his ancestral land in the Western Desert.

上海与广东的慈济志工,也将欢笑带到敬老院,爱的循环不断延续,当地志工的人数也越来越多。Volunteers in China's Shanghai and Guangdong are also keeping seniors at nursing homes feeling happy. Most importantly, more and more community residents are taking part in these expeditions of love.