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然后他开始清点。Then he counted.

请清点一下书籍。Please count the books.

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先让我们清点人数。Let's count noses first.

这是找回的零钱,请清点。Here is your cashes , please check it.

在我们开始之前,我们清点一下家底。So as we begin, let us take inventory.

在车上,清点人数有何技巧?What is the count technique on the bus ?

他清点着从黄土中挖出的土豆he counts potatoes dug from the brown field

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待我清点完人数我就得出发。When I finished counting the men I had left.

这时达力正在清点他的礼品。Dudley, meanwhile, was counting his presents.

有些商店每周清点存货一次。Some stores inventory their stock once a week.

您帮我们再清点一下人数,好吗?Could you please help us count the heads again?

将项目再清点一遍以确保无遗漏。Enumerate the items again to be sure none is missing.

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历年擅举清点对公益慈悲,李宇春初末铭刻于心并疏力疏为。For charity, li will always remember in heart and do.

零头盒应拆开清点。清点后重新装盒,并贴上零头盒标签。The odd ones shall be re-packed and put on odd label.

部队每次集合时队长都清点人数。Each time the troop assembled the leader counted noses.

秋天得把牛群赶集起来,进行清点。In autumn, the cattle have to be rounded up and counted.

老师一上车,就清点学生人数。The teacher checked off each pupil as he got on the bus.

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购票中请当面清点票款,门票售出,恕不退款。Check the change before you leave. No refund for tickets sold.

每个人都在这里了。让我们清点下人数然后才能定汉堡。Everyone is here. Let's count noses so we can order hamburgers.

保管员要坚持日清月结,做到勤清点、勤整理、勤保养。The storekeeper shall check, sort and maintain them frequently.