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这些都是三等品。These are all thirds.

四等、三等、二等。Fourth, Third and Second.

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三加三等于六。Three plus three makes six.

五加三等于几?How much is five plus three?

三等舱就是一般游客用的舱座。A rd class is a tourist class.

她坐的是三等舱。She was travelling third class.

她乘三等车旅行。She travels by third-class train.

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我旅行总是坐三等舱。I always travel by the third class.

他们乘三等舱去上海。They traveled to Shanghai in third class.

那中士被降为三等兵。The sergeant was degraded to buck private.

现在我每天的活动,分成自自然然的三等分。Now my days are divided into natural thirds.

三等太太,唠叨不休,嫌怪家事。The third-rate wife is a nag and complainer.

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三等分迷宫试验结果。Results of modified Y maze test were analyzed.

你可以得到锐角精确的三等分。We must bestir ourselves to get there on time.

在列车里,我们找到了一个空的三等车厢。In the train, we found an empty third-class carriage.

卡罗尔·沃德曼在剑桥仅仅拿到了三等学位。Carol Vorderman got a third-class degree at Cambridge.

本次航班我们有头等舱和三等舱。We have first and third class accommodation on this flight.

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我在一节三等车厢上坐下来,列车上乘客寥寥。I took my seat in a third-class carriage of a deserted train.

三等分角器是属于教学用的教具。An angle trisecting unit belongs to teaching aids for teaching.

便宜的房间,或者第三等级的材料用于建筑住房。Cheap rooms or third class material used to build rooms to live.