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自动化交付肩负所有费用避免滞纳金。Pay bills automatically to avoid late fees.

缓缴的社会保险费不计收滞纳金。Hold over the non-collection of social insurance fines.

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我真的只是想把那些滞纳金理理清楚。I really just want to have these late fees taken care of.

许多信用卡发行机构上调了滞纳金和其他收费。Many card issuers are raising late fees and other charges.

我不记得租房合同里提到过滞纳金。I don't remember seeing a late fee in the rental agreement.

滞纳金并入社会保险基金。Fine for delaying payment merges into social insurance fund.

如果你不去缴纳滞纳金,那么你就得交更高的滞纳金。If you don't pay your late fees, you incur higher late fees.

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我想你没交。如今他们要收我们滞纳金了。I guess you didn't . Now they're going to charge us extra money.

当我通知人们要交纳滞纳金时,大多数人都对我大喊大叫的。Most people scream at me when I inform them of their late fees.” MMT

在金融领域中,如果你不去偿还一项过失,那么你就得缴纳滞纳金。In financial terms, if you don't pay off a debt, you incur late fees.

缓缴的社会保险费不计收滞纳金。Overdue fine will not be charged on the deferred social insurance premium.

我想你没交。当前他们要收我们滞纳金了。I guess you didn't . remember. Now they're going to charge us extrfeeloney.

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就是没有滞纳金就抵押贷款或其他贷款,在过去的24个月。That means no late payments on mortgages or other loans in the last 24 months.

滞纳金、罚款等责任和经济损失仍由企业承担。Late fees, fines and other liability and economic loss is still borne by enterprises.

依据新规,电子眼的设置点将对社会公布,交通处罚滞纳金也将设定上限。The new provision, which will take effect next April, also caps the limit on penalty arrears.

方法之一,尤其是我想解决约滞纳金是跳过-以支付技术。One method in particular that I would like to address about late fees is the Skip-a-Payment technique.

并且税收代位权的行使范围以纳税人欠缴的税款为限,不应包括滞纳金。And the exercise of subrogation revenue to the taxpayer to the extent of unpaid taxes, not including taxes.

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其他测试还包括免去滞纳金,尽快做出贷款决定和放宽贷款条件。Other steps suggested included waiving late payment charges, making quicker loan decisions and easing loan terms.

规定标准的支付日期和时间,以免公司改动你还款的截止日期而赚取滞纳金。Mandate standard payment dates and times, to keep companies from tripping you up into late charges by moving your due date.

税务局通知我他们将罚我公司缴未扣的税款并加滞纳金。The tax authority noticed me that they would impose penalty and surcharge on my company, plus the payment of the tax overdue.